고혈압 낮추는 방법 exercise therapy for hypertensive patients

Blood pressure refers to the pressure of blood on the walls of arteries. The pressure when the heart contracts and sends blood to the arteries is called systolic blood pressure, and the pressure when the heart relaxes and receives blood is called diastolic blood pressure. High blood pressure refers to cases where the systolic blood pressure is 140 mmHg or higher or the diastolic blood pressure is 90 mmHg or higher due to various causes. According to the data from the Korean Society of Hypertension in 2021, about 28% of the adult population aged 20 or older in Korea is estimated to have high blood pressure. Proper control of high blood pressure can prevent heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and cerebrovascular disease.고혈압 낮추는 방법

There are lifestyle and medication, including exercise and diet, as well as ways to control high blood pressure. Exercise is one of the important lifestyle therapies for hypertensive patients, as regular aerobic exercises lower systolic blood pressure by 5-7 mmHg and reduce the risk of heart disease by about 10-30%.


Overview – Type

고혈압 낮추는 방법
There are aerobic exercises that consistently consume oxygen and energy over a relatively long period of time, and resistance exercises that increase muscle strength. Aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, biking, swimming, gymnastics, jumping rope, tennis, volleyball, and aerobics. Aerobic exercises are exercises that generate energy using large muscles in the body, which use a lot of oxygen to burn fat continuously, which is effective in improving the function of the heart and lungs as well as diet. Resistance exercises that repeatedly carry heavy things such as dumbbells not only strengthen muscle strength, but also improve fat and glucose metabolism and lower blood pressure.


health effects
Regular exercise makes blood flow better into the blood vessels of the body, improves lung function, and strengthens muscles. It also burns calories and lowers the concentration of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Constant exercise lowers your blood pressure, eventually leading to less heart disease. It also reduces stress and improves your mental health.



Health Impact-Importance
When you start exercising, you initially release a lot of a substance called adrenaline, which temporarily constricts blood vessels to the digestive system and increases blood pressure. However, as you continue exercising, the secretion of a substance called acetylcholine increases, which causes your blood vessels to expand and lower blood pressure. Regular exercise lowers systolic blood pressure by about 5 mmHg.

High blood pressure patients usually have normal blood pressure reactions when they exercise. However, the systolic blood pressure rises higher when high blood pressure hardens and the heart thickens. (Even people whose blood vessels have become hard as they age exercise more.) Therefore, one has to control one’s blood pressure well before high blood pressure changes in blood vessels and hearts to enjoy good effects of exercise.

the effects of exercise in hypertensive patients

Evaluation and inspection
A cardiopulmonary exercise function test can be performed on hypertensive patients to determine the appropriate amount of exercise for each individual. The intensity of the exercise is usually 50-85 percent of the maximum oxygen intake, but continuous exercise at a lower intensity of 40-70 percent of the maximum oxygen intake can further lower the blood pressure. However, if the blood pressure is too high at the beginning of the exercise, it is recommended to use blood pressure medication to control it before starting the exercise.


How to practice it
Aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, biking, swimming, gymnastics, jumping rope, tennis, volleyball, and aerobics is first recommended for hypertensive patients. Aerobic exercise is effective in dieting because it burns fat and improves heart and lung functions. It is recommended to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes at a time, 5 days a week with a maximum intensity of 40 to 70 percent of the oxygen intake.

It is recommended to perform resistance exercises that repeat heavy lifting 2-3 times a week. However, be careful because if you lift something too heavy, your blood pressure can soar temporarily. If you are old, have a heart disease, have a chestache when exercising, or have dizziness, you should consult your doctor before starting the exercise.


How to Practice – General Practice
Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate. Calculating the maximum heart rate per minute for your age (220-age), an appropriate exercise intensity allows your heart rate to rise to 60-80% of that level. For example, a 60-year-old person has a maximum heart rate of 160 times per minute (220-60), and 60-80% has 96-128 times per minute. At the hospital, an exercise load electrocardiogram is performed to see the symptoms and changes in heart rate due to the exercise, so you can safely determine the amount of exercise. But if you are not in the hospital, you can measure your pulse while walking slowly, and calculate how fast your heart rate is going to increase as you walk faster and determine the amount of exercise that suits you. When you work out with a colleague, you can also determine the amount of exercise so that you do not feel short of breath even if you talk.

The exercise time is about 30 to 60 minutes at a time for aerobic exercise, and it is recommended to do it regularly at least five times a week (more than 90 to 150 minutes a week). When you start exercising for the first time, it is recommended to start with about 10 to 20 minutes without overdoing it and slowly increase the time, and if possible, warm up before exercising and finish exercises for about five minutes after exercising.

Resistance exercises using heavy equipment such as dumbbells strengthen and maintain muscle strength, so it’s good to do two to three times a week. For exercises that lift heavy things, it’s good to do aerobic exercises first to relieve tension in the body. Exercise using the grip strength of the hand also helps with high blood pressure, so it’s good to do it about three days a week. Hold the grip dynamometer for about two minutes and rest for about a minute for about four times. However, when the blood pressure is not controlled, the blood pressure can temporarily increase significantly during resistance exercises, so it should be avoided.


How to Practice-Customized Practice
• What should I be careful about when exercising?

Your blood pressure can increase early in your exercise, so you shouldn’t overdo it when your blood pressure is not properly controlled. In this case, consult your doctor to adjust your blood pressure first and then exercise.