구주소 신주소 변환 방법 How to convert old address to new address

Hello, Nice to meet you. Today we are going to learn how to convert old address to new address. It seems that there are a lot of people who are having a really hard time since the new address was created. Of course, there are still a lot of people who still use their old address. It seems that even those who are engaged in courier or postal services deliver deliveries regardless of the old or new address. But honestly, personally, I still find it convenient and good to use the lot number. There are more times when someone asks for the street name and address and I still can’t remember it.


Even when you write down the address of a courier or mail, it may happen that you do not know the address of your residence. 구주소 신주소 변환 방법

구주소 신주소 변환 방법

How to convert old address to new address




Please search for ‘Road Name Address Guide System’ in your search term.




When you find the road name address guide system site, click it. Search for ‘road name address guide system’ in the search term or enter through the link below. When you find the road name address guide system site, click it. The next step is very simple. Enter an existing address or building name in the search box on the first page of the site.


Go to Road Name Address Information System 구주소 신주소 변환 방법




You can simply write the name of the dong and apartment. Then you can check various addresses from the list at the bottom. Check which address you have. You will see the street name address, the old street address, the old lot number, and the zip code. You can find the address where you live. Let me explain it again.




You can simply write the name of the dong and apartment. Then you can check various addresses from the list at the bottom. Let’s see what kind of address there is. The old street name address, the old lot number address, and the zip code appear.



The following is additional information that comes out by clicking More on the right side. You can check that detailed information such as English address and detailed building name appear immediately.