내용증명 작성방법 및 양식 다운로드 How to fill out the certification form and download the form

There are various methods and forms for filling out various real estate-related certificates of contents. There is no set format for the content certificate, and it can be written in various ways depending on the situation, so you can refer to various forms and fill it out according to the situation.

내용증명 작성방법

내용증명 작성방법

To send a certificate of contents, you can visit the post office and send it. When sending a certificate of contents from the post office, prepare 3 copies. One copy will be kept by the recipient, one copy by the sender, and one copy by the post office. And in Part 3, a seal must be stamped on each page.

Now, let’s look at some examples of how to write a proof of contents. The form is at the bottom, so you can download and use it for free. ^^ The content certification below is for reference only and please be sure to consult with an expert.

Content Certification Form 1

The above form is proof of contents when requesting a refund of the deposit at the end of the rental agreement. The Commercial Building Lease Protection Act and the Housing Lease Protection Act have provisions that allow a lease to be terminated when the lessee expresses his or her intention not to renew the contract before a certain period of time before the end of the contract. This is a proof of contents to ensure this.

Content Certification Form 2

The above proof of contents is a proof of contents that the lessee (building owner) requests the lessee to terminate the lease and vacate the building due to the lessee’s late payment of rent during the lease period.

Content Certification Form 3

The above proof of contents is a proof of contents notifying termination of the contract in a rental situation where the rental period is not specified. This is notice of termination of lease pursuant to Article 635 of the Civil Act (Notice of termination of lease without fixed term).

Content Certification Form 4

The following is a proof of claim for refund of deposit due to defects in the real estate sales contract. This is a situation that often arises in real estate sales contracts.

Content Certification Form 5

Lastly, this is a proof of contents requesting the return of the rental deposit upon expiration of the rental agreement. In many cases, a landlord collects a deposit when a new tenant moves in and pays it to the existing tenant. However, there are cases where the landlord is unable to return the deposit for various reasons, such as a drop in the jeonse price. This is the content certification form used in such cases.

Content Certification Form 6

Just looking at the examples above, content certification is used in a wide variety of cases. Now, let’s take a look at how to write a simple proof of contents. First of all, personal information. It is important that the message is delivered to the other party, so write down the personal information of the sender and recipient accurately.

Content Certification Form 7

And when writing content, write it according to the six-down rule. Write down the exact date, saying that the contents of the contract, what you want, and the due date must be specified. It also specifies future measures if the desired content certification is not achieved.

Content Certification Form 8

Lastly, be sure to write down the date and send it with the sender’s name. Please write so that the address on the content certification and the address on the envelope sending the content certification match. When sending a certificate of contents, the post office stamps it and sends it, so it is best to take it with you without sealing the envelope when going to the post office.