대출이자 계산기 네이버 How to use Naver interest calculator 2023

It’s complicated to calculate the monthly repayment amount every time you take a loan, right? Naver’s interest calculator allows you to find out about loans, savings, deposits, and prepayment fees in one minute. I’ll tell you how to use the latest version of 2023, so you’ll be able to easily follow it. 대출이자 계산기 네이버


Separately, the Nonghyup interest calculator can calculate financial costs that are useful in real life, such as pensions, monetary value, housing funds, marriage funds, and university education costs, so it will be helpful to watch them together.


>> Nonghyup Bank and Shortcut Calculator




Table of Contents

Naver interest calculator
How to get in
How to use it 2023
a loan interest calculator
Installment savings interest calculator
a deposit interest calculator
prepayment fee calculator



대출이자 계산기 네이버


Naver interest calculator
There are various interest calculators, but they are simple and have few errors, so I recommend Naver’s interest calculator that many people use. It is very easy to calculate savings, deposits, loans, and prepayment fees.


How to get in
Please check below for easy access to the interest calculator. You can also search [Naver Interest Calculator] on the search portal engine.


>> Shortcut Naver Interest Calculator


Naver interest calculator screen
Naver interest calculator


How to use it 2023
Naver interest calculators can calculate loans, savings, deposits, and prepayment fees. I will explain how to use them one by one.


a loan interest calculator
Naver provides loan interest calculators and is my personal most frequently used tool.

Select Loan from the tab at the top.
Enter the total loan amount.
Select the length of the loan. It can be calculated on a yearly or monthly basis.
Enter the annual interest rate.
Select the repayment method. You can choose between equal principal and interest / equal principal / equal maturity date and time, and we will let you know below.
Click Calculate at the bottom to complete the calculation.

* The repayment method refers to a method of paying principal and interest every month. To briefly explain, the equal division of principal and interest and the equal division of principal are a method of paying off principal and interest together every month. Among them, ① the equal amount of principal and interest is the same monthly repayment amount (principal + interest), and ② the equal amount of principal repaid every month is the same, but the interest due to the balance decreases. I recommend the equal method of principal because the total amount of interest is small. ③ Temporary repayment with maturity has the advantage of paying only interest every month and paying off the principal at once at maturity, so the repayment burden is low every month.






I calculated it based on [New Hope Hall], a popular low-income loan due to the low condition of the 35 million won limit.


Method of repayment of the annual interest rate for the loan period of total loan amount by classification
Input information KRW 35,000,000 5 years 8% equal principal

If you enter the loan information in the table and click Calculate, [loan principal, total loan interest, total repayment amount, 1st repayment amount] will be calculated. If you click [Monthly More], you can check the entire monthly repayment amount from the 1st to the maturity. If you check the image below, I think it will be easier to understand.


How to use Naver interest calculator website screen
How to use Naver interest calculator

Installment savings interest calculator
The following is how to use the installment savings interest calculator. [Monthly accumulation, period, annual interest rate, interest tax] information is required to calculate the installment savings.

Select Savings from the tab at the top.
Enter the monthly accumulated amount.
Select the installment savings period, which can be calculated on a yearly or monthly basis.
Enter the annual interest rate. Choose Isolation / Monthly Bokry.
Select whether to tax interest. [General Taxation / Non-Taxation / Preferred Tax]
Click Calculate at the bottom to complete the savings calculation.

Let’s put information on the popular [Youth Leap Account] product with a 5-year, 50 million won bank account. If you insert the savings information below in turn and click Calculate, [total principal, pre-tax interest, interest tax, and after-tax receipt] will be calculated.


Taxation of annual interest rate for the installment savings period by monthly installment savings amount
Input information 700,000 won 5-year 6% non-taxable

Naver interest calculator savings calculation method website screen
Naver interest calculator savings account calculation

According to the results, if you put in 42 million won in principal, you will get 6.4 million won in interest, and the amount will be 48,405,000 won. Youth leap accounts have tax-free benefits, so there is no interest tax, and you can save 50 million won if you add 1.6 million won in support to the amount of after-tax receipts.




a deposit interest calculator
This is how to use a Naver interest calculator for bank interest calculators. You need to know [deposit amount/deposit period/annual interest rate/tax method].

Select Deposit from the tab at the top.
Enter the deposit amount.
Add the deposit period. It can be calculated on a yearly or monthly basis.
Enter the annual interest rate. Choose Isolation / Monthly Bokry.
Select whether to tax interest. [General Taxation / Non-Taxation / Preferred Tax]
Press Calculate at the bottom to proceed with the deposit calculation.

I will put information on [Woori Bank’s term deposit] which has the highest interest rate on Naver as of October 2023. If you enter the deposit information in the table in order and choose to calculate it, [total principal, pre-tax interest, interest tax, and after-tax receipt] will be calculated.


Taxation of interest rate per annum for the deposit period of classified deposit amount
Input information KRW 1,000,000 12 months 4.5% general taxation

Naver interest calculator deposit calculation website screen
Naver interest calculator deposit calculation

It is calculated with a time deposit interest calculator, and if you put in 1 million won, the interest becomes 45,000 won. The final interest is about 38,000 won excluding interest taxation.


prepayment fee calculator
The prepayment fee is a fee incurred when the principal is repaid before maturity. You need to compare the fee with the interest payable in the future to determine whether to pay the principal in advance. You need to enter Repayment Amount/Loan Period/Remaining Period/Fee Rate/Exemption Period.


The prepayment fee is calculated as [median repayment amount X commission rate X remaining period / loan period]. The exemption period is usually about 3 years after the loan is executed and no commission is paid after a certain period of time.


On the tab at the top, select Moderate Repayment Fees.
Enter the amount to be repaid.
Put in the loan period.