도매매 위탁판매 Sourcing and registering smart store consignment sales products (wholesale/wholesale)

도매매 위탁판매Consignment selling is a method of selling products without purchasing. Once a sale is made, the manufacturer (or wholesaler) ships the product directly to the final buyer, and the seller takes the margin. Since there is no purchase, there is no burden of inventory and it is possible to start a business with small capital. However, there are disadvantages such as inventory and out-of-stock management and the inability to check product quality. I will write a separate post about the pros and cons of consignment sales.

There are several ways to sell on consignment, such as through a consignment sales site or through a consignment sales contract directly with the manufacturer. There are also various consignment sales sites such as Wholesale Kkuk and Owner Clan, so use these methods appropriately. Just select it and sell it.
Let’s learn how to register and sell products found on a consignment sales site in Smart Store. The consignment sales site will be explained using wholesale sales as an example.

Go to the wholesale site and find the product. To find a product, simply search for the product you want in the same way as when purchasing a product.
wholesale site

Once you find the product you want, copy the product number in the upper right corner.
Check product number

Next, click ‘Wholesale’ in the upper left corner to go to the wholesale website.
Go to wholesale site

If you go to the wholesale site, change the tab in the search box to Product Number, then enter the product number you copied earlier and search.
Search by product number

The same product that you searched for in Wholesale can also be searched for in Wholesale. In wholesale, sold products can be delivered directly to buyers under the name of the desired shopping mall.
Find the same product by product number / Download detailed images for free

If you go down the page a bit, the ‘Use of detailed description images’ section is set to ‘Allow’. For this product, the corresponding thumbnail and product detailed images can be used in the smart store. Of course, if it is marked as ‘unavailable’, thumbnails and detailed images cannot be used. Additionally, you must carefully read the supplier notices and be careful not to violate them.
Check if usage is permitted

If you have downloaded detailed images and thumbnail images, use them to register the product in the smart store. The thumbnail image can be used for thumbnail registration, and the detailed image can be used when creating a detailed page. Other product registration details, such as category registration and product name registration, are the same as general registration methods. (Go to Smart Store product registration method) However, what you need to keep in mind at this time is that shipping cost information, return/exchange information, etc. must be registered in the same way as the consignment seller’s information. Shipping cost information can be checked through ‘Delivery Information’ at the top of the page, and shipping address, return, and exchange addresses can be checked through supplier information and return/exchange information at the bottom of the wholesale page. This information must be filled in the same way when registering a product so that the product can be properly returned to the address in case of return or exchange. If the product has been properly registered in the smart store, it is ready for sale.
Check supplier information/return and exchange information

Consignment selling is a useful sales method that allows you to sell products with no capital or small capital. This can be seen as a particularly useful method when you have no idea what product to sell yet or when you have little experience with online sales. However, you cannot manage inventory yourself, and there may be cases where a product suddenly becomes out of stock one day. Suppliers also often change their selling prices. Therefore, it is a good idea to check the price and out-of-stock status of sold products from time to time. In the next post, we will look at how to place an order for a product when a sale occurs.
Sourcing and registering consignment sales products

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