벼룩시장 구인구직As a result of a survey conducted by Flea Market Recruitment on ’employment insecurity’ among 3,274 office workers, it was found that 85.8% of respondents felt anxious about their current employment status. Only 4.6% of respondents responded that they did not feel job anxiety at all.
Among respondents who responded that they felt anxious about their employment status, there were more non-regular workers (94%) than regular workers (82.4%), and by age group, those in their 50s or older were the largest at 90.3%. Looking at the size of the company, small and medium-sized companies accounted for the largest share at 91.2%, followed by mid-sized companies (84.8%) and large companies (60.5%).
The biggest reason they felt job insecurity was because of the company’s poor management performance (26.8%). The response rate was △because it was a job that was easy to replace (22.7%), △because restructuring had taken place or was planned (13.1%), △because it was a job with low growth potential (12.6%), and △because colleagues who worked together had Job changes and resignations became more frequent (9.4%). In addition, there were answers such as △because I was on leave due to COVID-19 (8.9%) and △because I had a gap in work due to pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare (6.6%).
Employment anxiety was also affecting work life. The majority of respondents (39.3%) said that due to job insecurity, they began to think about changing jobs or leaving the company, and many respondents also said that their motivation to work decreased (36%). Next, △work performance decreased (11.3%), △work hours increased due to unreasonable overtime (10.6%), and △distancing with colleagues due to invisible competition (2.7%) followed.
It was found that office workers’ job anxiety has increased since the outbreak of COVID-19. Among the respondents who participated in the survey, 79.9% responded that their employment insecurity has increased since COVID-19, and 62.7% of respondents responded that they have directly or indirectly experienced restructuring, such as recommended resignation and voluntary retirement, due to COVID-19.
The percentage of respondents who responded that they experienced restructuring varied depending on company size. Among employees at small and medium-sized companies, 67% responded that they had experienced restructuring directly or indirectly, 62.2% at medium-sized companies, and 41.7% at large companies. By age group, people in their 50s accounted for the most at 66.9%, followed by people in their 20s (63.4%), 40s (62.4%), and 30s (61.9%).
Meanwhile, office workers are expected to be able to work at their current workplace until the age of about 48.3. This is a decrease of about 5.6 years compared to the same period last year, and it is interpreted that the prolonged COVID-19 period has had a significant impact.