새마을금고 고객센터 및 전화번호 Saemaeul Geumgo customer center and phone number

Saemaul Geumgo Customer Center provides several phone numbers to respond to inquiries related to various financial services. This is to effectively respond to various situations that customers may encounter.

새마을금고 고객센터

새마을금고 고객센터

For general financial inquiries, we have two phone numbers: You can contact them at 1588-8801 and 1599-9000. You can use these numbers to get help with general financial services, such as account management and transfers.


For inquiries regarding deductions, please call 1599-9010. Detailed information or inquiries about deduction products can be answered through this number.


You can report financial incidents such as voice phishing by calling 080-890-0201. This number is toll-free and accepts reports of financial incidents 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Helps you respond quickly when a financial incident occurs.


Customer center consultation hours are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. During this time, you can receive answers to various inquiries through phone consultation. From overseas, you can contact us at +82-2-2192-0200, which also allows our customers living abroad to receive the support they need.


Saemaul Geumgo also provides chat counseling services in addition to phone calls. This is useful for customers who want consultation more quickly and conveniently. You can easily submit inquiries and receive responses through chat.


Saemaul Geumgo Customer Center operates a variety of channels and services to meet the diverse needs of customers. This ensures that customers can get help whenever they need it.





Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center Phone Number

Go to Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center phone number 👉


If you access Saemaul Geumgo’s official website, you can view various financial service information. It provides information on deposits, loans, deduction products, term deposits, internet banking, and credit card services.




You can check additional information by clicking the Customer Center menu at the top right of the homepage’s main screen and scrolling down the screen.



The main phone number and various contact information appear at the bottom of the customer center page. From domestically, you can call 1588-8801 or 1599-9000, and from overseas, you can call +82-2-2192-0200. Additionally, for inquiries regarding deductions, please call 1599-9010, and to report voice phishing financial accidents, please call 080-890-0201 (toll free).


There is also a chat consultation option, and connection with a counselor is said to be possible from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. You must log in to use this service.


After logging in, you can chat with the bot regarding financial matters and connect to a counselor, but you must log in first.




Additionally, a variety of services are provided, including email consultation, form data room, terms and conditions data room, and electronic financial information. This includes personal and corporate internet banking, smart banking, telebanking, and financial transaction information. Important information such as real-name financial transactions, comprehensive taxation of financial income, bill/check transactions, and loss of bankbook/password information are also provided.


Additionally, there is an electronic civil service service that allows you to file or inquire about Saemaul Geumgo-related civil complaints. Through this, you can use various certification services such as checking the deposit balance certificate, payment certificate for income deduction, checking the deduction amount for dormant deposits, and checking the financial transaction results of the heir.