쏘카 고객센터 및 사고처리 방법 Socar Customer Center and Accident Handling Methods

Personally, I use it a lot because it is more convenient and cheaper. Today, I will give you the Socar customer center number, a quick connection method, and a guide on troubleshooting. In particular, if you just ignore it when an accident occurs, you may be penalized and have to pay a fee.

쏘카 고객센터

쏘카 고객센터

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1 <Socar customer center number>
2 Socar customer center
3 In case of an accident while using Socar
4 Socar age limit
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<Socar customer center number>
Socar customer center phone number

When renting a Socar vehicle, you can get in 10 minutes before, but you must take a thorough photo of the exterior and upload it before getting in. If you use it often, you may do it carelessly, but if a problem occurs, you can turn it around, so you must follow this.

Socar customer center
There are various reasons why you need to contact the customer center. There is an accident, unexpected accident traces, a problem with driving, a problem with returning, etc. In my case, I called several times about the return time.

– Socar Customer Center Phone Number: 1661-3315
– Customer Center Operating Hours: 24 hours
– Customer Center Usage: Inquiries, Emergency Dispatch
– Socar Accident Reception Center Phone Number: 1661-4977
– Accident Reception Center Usage: Accidents (Traffic Accidents, Collision Accidents, Single Accidents, Damage Reception, etc.)
– Socar Talk Mobile Chat Consultation: 09:00 ~ 21:00

In addition, if there are issues such as contract extensions or additional driver registrations, calling the Socar Plan Contract Consultation Center will allow for faster connection and processing. It is 1661-4885.

In case of an accident while using Socar
If you rent a car from Socar and get into an accident while driving, you should call the Socar Accident Reception Center without delay. Towing is required, and you should do as instructed by the customer center. You must upload photos of the accident and an investigator will come out to check it.

The insurance agent will handle the insurance-related matters such as compensation for damages, so you can talk to the insurance agent about this part. Depending on how much you paid for insurance when you reserved the car rental, the cost of car repairs can be resolved within the range of 50,000 won.

SOCAR Age Restriction
Although the age limit for using SOCAR is 21, you cannot use it right away just because you have a driver’s license. Please note that you must have held your driver’s license for at least 1 year to use SOCAR.