쏘팔메토 추천, 효과, 부작용 알아보기 (feat.총정리)Saw palmetto recommendations, effects, and side effects (feat. Summary)

Mangi Lee Saw Palmetto

Is the power-up saw palmetto gold advertised by Lee Man-gi, the world’s greatest merchant, effective?


Prostate health is something that men in their 40s or older who are prone to losing their health due to frequent dinner parties, smoking, and stress should pay special attention to prostate health. After the age of 40, it is common for prostate health to begin to deteriorate due to changes in male hormones.


In particular, it is a reality that the prostate health is threatened by sitting in a chair all day to work, driving for a long time, various stresses, frequent dinners, smoking, and eating a meat-oriented diet.


But even knowing this, you can’t quit your job, and just because you don’t get stressed doesn’t mean you don’t get it. Therefore, it may be best for our body to take health functional food for prostate health as soon as possible.


As long as it is an effective medicine for the prostate, let’s find out about the prostate first and check it before finding out!


쏘팔메토 추천 효과 부작용


쏘팔메토 추천, 효과, 부작용




What kind of organ is the prostate?


The prostate is a male reproductive organ, a walnut-sized hormonal organ. It covers the bladder outlet and urethra, and has an important function in secreting prostatic fluid to make semen and protecting sperm.


prostate health checkpoints


– Sensation of urine remaining after urination

– Urinate every 2 hours.

– Frequent urination.

– Difficulty urinating.

– Urine stream weakened.

– Frequent waking up at night to urinate.

– Urine comes out only when force is applied.

– I want to urinate, but when I go, it doesn’t come out well.


If any of the checklists above apply to you, you should consider whether there is a problem with your prostate.


Lee Mangi Saw Palmetto (Power Up Saw Palmetto Gold) Features




1. Reliable product in terms of sales volume and sales period


Saw Palmetto Lee Mangi and Power Up Saw Palmetto Gold have been on sale for 12 years, and the fact that they have been sold for such a long time means that they are effective and have a high repurchase rate. It is also said that about 41 million capsules have been sold so far.


Compared to other products that are sold once and fit in like a trend, it has a long sales period and is reliable.


2. Convenient number of doses


I think the number of times I take it is important when choosing a health functional food. You may think that taking it 2-3 times a day is easy, but if you think of taking it steadily for more than a month, this will also be stressful.


Also, we often forget what we eat for lunch on the way to work and for dinner after work. Therefore, Imangi Saw Palmetto is convenient because you only need to take 1 pill once a day.


3. Including maca powder in raw materials


It can be seen as one of the big differences from other products. Among the sub-ingredients, there is an ingredient called maca, which is so good for the body that it is called ‘Peruvian wild ginseng’. Maca has the effect of increasing sperm motility, production, and improving virility.


These days, many people take maca separately, but if you take Lee Mangi Saw Palmetto, you don’t need to take it separately.

Lee Mangi Saw Palmetto (Power Up Saw Palmetto Gold) Effects, Efficacy

Lee Mangi Saw Palmetto has saw palmetto, octacosanol, vitamin E, and zinc as its main ingredients.


1. Saw Palmetto


Saw Palmetto is so famous that everyone has heard of it at least once. Did you know that saw palmetto is a plant? Saw palmetto is the fruit of a palm tree native to the Atlantic coast.


The ingredient extracted from this fruit is ‘Lorric acid’, and it has been recognized through human testing that this ingredient is helpful in maintaining prostate health. It is said that it is already widely used as a prostate health functional food in Europe and the United States.


– Improves urination frequency, residual urination, enuresis, and urination speed


All of the above symptoms are symptoms caused by a problem with the prostate, such as prostate enlargement. Therefore, it is an effective ingredient for prostate health.


– Regulation of hormone secretion


By regulating hormone secretion, prostate cancer can be prevented and hormone-related hair loss can be prevented.


2. Octacosanol


Octacosanol is a component found in germs such as sugarcane, rice, and wheat.


Octacosanol increases endurance, increases exercise time, and has the effect of improving cardiorespiratory endurance. It is an ingredient that can help men who feel tired and exhausted every day.


3. Vitamin E


Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that suppresses the action of free radicals and plays an important role in maintaining health by inhibiting oxidation of skin and blood vessels. Vitamin E is not produced in the body, so it is important to consume and supplement it.


4. Zinc


It is a component necessary for immune function and cell division of our body.


We recommend this product to the following people:


Those who can’t urinate coolly even if they look at it

Those who come out like water droplets even when urinating and need to exert force to come out

Those who do not come out of the urine stream all the way, and it is cut off

Those who go to the bathroom several times while sleeping

People with low stamina

Those whose urine stream is thin and weak

Those who are afraid to go on a trip because of the bathroom


Lee Mangi Saw Palmetto (Power Up Saw Palmetto Gold) Know the side effects here!




1. Digestive Symptoms


Gastrointestinal symptoms are relatively common side effects that can include abdominal discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. If symptoms occur, reduce the dosage interval and take it. If symptoms persist or become severe, it is recommended to stop taking the medicine.


2. Interference with blood clotting


Among the ingredients, saw palmetto inhibits the body’s hemostatic function and delays the time it takes for blood to stop, which can cause bleeding or difficulty stopping blood after an injury.


Those with high blood pressure or diabetes, which may be related to blood clotting, are advised to take it after consulting with a doctor. If you are planning surgery, you should consult with your doctor so that you can stop taking it before the date of surgery.