요양보호사 자격증 재발급 Issuance (re-issuance) of nursing care worker certificate and required documents

요양보호사 자격증 재발급There are two ways to issue a nursing care worker certificate: in-person application or online application.

(Changes) In accordance with the Enforcement Decree of the Elderly Welfare Act, from January 1, 2023, the task of issuing new certificates will be transferred from cities and provinces to the National Examination Service. Therefore, issuance of new certificates must be submitted to the National Examination Service.

Visit reception
(It can be issued by cities and provinces, but depending on the region, it is also said to be issued by cities, counties, districts or community centers. Please make sure to call and inquire before visiting.)
Government 24 homepage
(Certificate required, online proxy application not possible)

If you type ‘re-issuance of nursing care worker’s license’ in the comprehensive search box on the Government 24 website, the issuance/re-issuance application menu will appear.

Go to Government 24 Nursing Caregiver Certification Issuance

When reissuing
① 1 photo
② Documents proving the need to change the information (in case of change to the information)
③ Original certificate (if damaged or information needs to be changed)

When newly issued
As of January 2023, new issuance has been transferred to the National Examination Institute, so please refer to the link below.

Guidance on how to issue a new certificate for nursing care workers

① Nursing care worker training completion certificate
② Confirmation of practice
③ Career certificate
④ Copy of certificate or license
※ Copy of career certificate and qualification (license) certificate must be submitted only in applicable cases

⑤ A medical certificate from a doctor certifying that you are not mentally ill, addicted to narcotics, marijuana, or psychotropic drugs.
※ Recognized only if diagnosed and issued within 6 months from the date of application submission.
※ The health certificate states “Mental health according to Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Mental Health Promotion and Welfare Service Support for Mentally Ill Persons.”
“Not a person with a disease or addicted to drugs, marijuana or psychotropic drugs” must be stated.
※ Diagnosis results are not recognized if they are ambiguous, such as ‘findings, evidence, or speculation’.

⑥ 1 photo

When applying online, a joint certificate (formerly a public certificate) is required.

Re-issuance within 7 days, within 30 days from the date of receipt of documents.

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요양보호사 자격증 재발급
