웅진코웨이 고객센터 및 전화번호 Woongjin Coway Customer Center and Phone Number

Woongjin Coway Customer Center provides services such as after-sales service, relocation installation, regular inspection, general inquiries, and complaints, and also supports tax invoices, information changes, and payment inquiries.

웅진코웨이 고객센터

웅진코웨이 고객센터


Woongjin Coway’s current name is ‘Coway’, and in addition to water purifiers and air purifiers, it handles a variety of products such as water softeners, bidets, bed mattresses, bed frames, massage chairs, electric ranges, and sofas.


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Woongjin Coway Customer Center Q&A

▶ Woongjin Coway Customer Center phone number/operating hours


Woongjin Coway operates three types of consultation/inquiry centers: a telephone customer center, Kakao Talk customer center, and 1:1 inquiry through the website.


The Woongjin Coway Customer Center phone number is 1588-5200, and consultation hours are from 09:00 AM to 18:00 PM on weekdays. (Saturday 09:00~14:00/Public Holidays/Sunday 09:00~ 16:00)


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KakaoTalk Customer Center is open only from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays. (General consultations such as A/S and previous installation requests are available; use after connecting your KakaoTalk account)



For Cuchen-related A/S requests, you can use the service right away by calling 1577-2797. The ARS code for A/S and transfer installation is 01, and for general inquiries related to the product usage period, use code 03.


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▶ Late payment interest in case of non-payment


If you place a new order or sign up for membership, if payment is not made after the end of the month after the due date, overdue interest of 2% based on the principal amount will be charged.



The rental fee is paid in arrears, and the rental fee is charged twice in the month in which ownership arrives (the amount used from the 1st to the last day of the previous month and the amount settled up to the time of transfer of ownership in the current month are charged).


Non-payment – overdue interest – principal basis – interest rate

▶ Notice of arrival of rental product ownership transfer


After five years of use of the rental product, ownership of the product is transferred to you. When it is time to transfer ownership, you can sign up for membership and receive coordination services as before at a lower monthly fee or rent new products at a discounted price.



However, in the case of mattress rental, there are two rental periods, 5 years and 6 years, and basically ownership is not transferred even after the rental period ends.



To transfer ownership of a mattress rental product, you must pay approximately 50,000 to 100,000 won. For detailed consultation, please call Woongjin Coway Customer Center (☎1588-5200).