자격증 종류 Summary of certification types! As of last year, what certification did 8,000 people apply for?

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After reading the content of the text, I think it will help you know the types of certifications implemented by each organization and help you decide on your direction or choose a certification.

[[My table of contents]]

There are two main types of qualification tests currently being conducted in Korea: national qualifications and private qualifications.

It refers to a qualification that is newly established and operated and managed by the state in accordance with laws and regulations.

[National technical qualification] This is a qualification in the field of functions, technology, and services related to the industry. It is mainly organized by the Human Resources Development Service (Q-net).

[National Professional Qualification] Refers to qualifications other than national technical qualifications, and is mainly managed by government ministries. In addition to the qualifications administered by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, the test also includes qualifications administered by other organizations, such as lawyers.
This refers to the qualification to operate and manage a new facility other than the state.

[Nationally recognized qualification] This refers to a private qualification approved by the Minister of State of the central administrative agency that registers or recognizes the relevant private qualification and supervises and guides it.

[Nationally registered qualifications] Refers to private qualifications registered with the relevant Minister of State, excluding accredited qualifications.

Private qualifications must be registered with the competent authority and cannot be newly established and operated without registration, and all are required to be registered with the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training.

This refers to qualifications in the fields of skills, technology, and services related to the industry. National technical qualifications can be operated in fields that fall under one of the items below.

It is mainly managed by government ministries and implemented by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea and other organizations.

[National technical qualification] It is a qualification based on the National Technical Qualification Act and is related to industrial functions, technology, and service fields.
[National Professional Qualification] This is a qualification granted by each government ministry based on individual laws and is related to professional service fields such as law and medicine.

It refers to a qualification newly established, managed and operated by an individual, organization or corporation other than the state. This refers to a qualification that has been issued for more than one year and more than three times through the national recognition system and is managed and operated by a corporation by registering with a registration management agency. There are accredited private qualifications that have been approved by the government after review and other registered private qualifications that have not been accredited.

We have summarized the types of private qualifications, including Coding Creative Development Competency (CDT), that over 8,900 people applied for last year.

2. Registered private qualification
It accounts for the majority of private qualifications, excluding public qualifications. Additionally, among most private certifications, there are many that are not implemented properly or are of little significance when seeking employment.
Qualifications that were taken frequently last year include coding window development ability (CDT), dental insurance claimant, abacus technician, living support technician, KBI financial DT test, family counselor, multicultural psychological counselor, couple psychological counselor, and school violence prevention. There are counselors, cognitive behavioral psychological counselors, senior education instructors, family welfare experts, hospital coordinators, coffee baristas, technology credit evaluators, bank tellers (CBT), geriatric psychological counselors, and entrepreneurship instructors, as well as private qualifications registered with the government. I was able to confirm that there were countless of them.

The image above summarizes only some of the most frequently applied private qualifications last year. It would be a good idea to look into the certifications that can be obtained through government-funded training courses and choose a better certification if it is in the same field. There are some types of qualifications that are recognized in the industry, but there are also those that are not implemented, so it would be a good idea to look into them before receiving training. If you want to know more about the relevant information, it would be a good idea to inquire at the relevant academy or educational institution.

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