토스뱅크 고객센터 및 전화번호 Toss Bank customer center and phone number

We learned about Toss Bank and Toss’ customer center phone numbers, agent connection times, and how to use them. Toss and Toss Bank only provide non-face-to-face consultation services, so in-person consultation is not possible.

토스뱅크 고객센터

토스뱅크 고객센터

It is said that there are no branches at all, but a customer center where consultation is available 24 hours a day. In addition, you can use chat, email reception, etc.


Being an internet bank has its advantages, but I think it could also be a disadvantage in that you can’t go to the bank in person and receive consultation when a problem or question arises. When someone is in a hurry, they want to go and have a face-to-face consultation.


Toss Bank Customer Center Phone Number
‘Toss’ and Toss Bank’s customer centers are operated together. The main customer service phone number is 1599-4905. It is open 24 hours a day, and if you want to connect directly to a counselor, call 1599-4905 and press 0. Number 1 is the open banking automatic transfer text management menu, and number 2 is the remittance details confirmation menu.

Phone number: 1599-4905 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
Email: support@toss.im

Customer Center Speed ​​Dial Menu

No. 1: Open banking automatic transfer text management
No. 2: Check remittance details
Number 0: Consultant connection

For general consultation, call 1599-4905 above, and for financial damage, fraud consultation, voice phishing report, etc., call 1661-4905. They say you can report identity theft, voice phishing, report illegal cell phone activation, and report second-hand transaction fraud.

Toss fraud, financial damage reporting phone number: 1661-4905



phone number

Additionally, you can also submit complaints on the Toss website. After entering and submitting the information on the Toss website customer center page, you will receive a response via email.