한전 고객센터 전화번호 KEPCO Customer Center phone number, operating hours, electricity bill inquiry and inquiry method

한전 고객센터 전화번호In that case, you can handle your work very conveniently by using Korea Electric Power Corporation’s customer center and website.

First, let’s learn how to easily check electricity bills. There are two ways to check your electricity bill: simple inquiry and detailed inquiry. Simple inquiry is a method of simply searching using your customer number without logging in.

Simple inquiry can only check rates for a short period of time, approximately 4 months. However, in cases such as apartments or officetels where electricity charges are added to the management fee, simple inquiry by KEPCO is not possible.

Detailed inquiry is a menu available when you sign up for membership at KEPCO Cyber ​​Branch. You can view electricity bills for the past three years in detail by month and year.

After accessing the KEPCO cyber branch, use the path [Inquiry/Payment > Rate inquiry > Simple inquiry].
Select ‘Cyber ​​Branch’ on the KEPCO website.

At the KEPCO cyber branch, go to the ‘Inquiry/Payment > Rate Inquiry > Simple Inquiry’ menu.

A simple inquiry screen will appear as shown below. Select search conditions here: Select search by customer number and select billing date and month to search.

You can check details by logging in and using the [Rate Inquiry > Detailed Inquiry] menu.
☞ KEPCO Cyber ​​Branch

The KEPCO Customer Center phone number is [123] without area code. When calling from a mobile phone, dial the area code and then dial [123]. It is said that electrical consultations and breakdown reports are available 24 hours a day, so it would be good to use common sense to know this.

If you have additional complaints, you can go to [Complaint Center > Customer Voice > Customer Service] and leave a complaint on the bulletin board. Please note that answers are provided sequentially.
KEPCO-Civil Complaints

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