국민건강보험 환급금 조회방법 Summary of National Health Insurance refund application method for all citizens – Pie News

국민건강보험 환급금 조회방법By Kim Yun-seok, reporter
2023.06.22 13:06:22
If there is a national health insurance refund, it must be refunded within 3 years of the statute of limitations, and if not, it will not be refunded.
According to the data of the national audit, the amount of 5,349.4 billion won that occurred from 2000 to June 2024, the amount that the target did not receive because the vanishing statute passed is said to be 86.4 billion won.
Refunds do not occur unconditionally, but please check it periodically so that you do not miss and disappear without your knowledge.
In the case of overpayment of insurance premiums or excessive medical expenses, etc., refunds from the National Health Insurance will occur, and the eligible person can get them back through application.
Most of the people sign up because it is compulsory, but there are many people who do not know if there is a refund. Find out what kind it is and check if it applies.
We will learn how to apply for a refund from National Health Insurance, but you can find it on the National Health Insurance website or app without any complicated process.
However, you must log in using a joint certificate or simple authentication to use the service, so please prepare in advance.
As a result of the inquiry, if there is an amount to be refunded, you can immediately apply for a refund and have it transferred to your account, so make sure to check it within 3 years of the statute of limitations.
This is a system in which hospitals, pharmacies, and other health care institutions charge more than standard medical expenses or receive unreasonable fees.
It is a system designed to relieve the burden on households due to excessive medical expenses that must be paid after receiving treatment.
The maximum amount of out-of-pocket contributions is determined according to the annual average insurance premium, etc. If the total amount of health insurance co-payments paid by the subscriber from January 1st to December 31st exceeds the upper limit, the NHIS will bear it.
The upper limit system is divided into pre-payment and post-refund. The application for payment must be made by the person who received the treatment, and the deposit can be made into his/her own savings account.
The maximum amount of out-of-pocket payment is calculated differentially according to the quintile of hospitalization in a nursing hospital and annual average insurance premium.
It refers to refunds incurred due to reasons such as ‘double or mistaken payment, retroactive loss of qualifications, retroactive adjustment of insurance premiums’, etc., and must be returned to the person obligated to pay.
It refers to refunds caused by reasons such as ‘double or mistaken payment, cancellation of decision’, etc. In the case of other collections, etc., there may not be any refunds even if you have been informed of the amount.
This is a system in which a part of the medical expenses borne by the HIRA is refunded after review by the HIRA, if you pay the entire medical expenses within the period and pay in full before notification of the fact of medical treatment, if you become a person with a limitation on benefits in advance due to arrears in paying health insurance premiums.
If you pay your insurance premiums in full within two months even after notifying the fact of treatment, the benefit restriction will be lifted and you will be able to receive a refund.
This subsidy is provided to reduce the burden of medical expenses for patients with severe diseases who have received expensive new drugs such as anticancer drugs or drugs for rare diseases.
After logging in to the National Health Insurance homepage and app, you can do so from ‘View/Request refund’.
It is within 3 years from the date of insurance premium payment, and refunds cannot be received after this period.
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국민건강보험 환급금 조회방법

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