국민체력100 체력인증센터 Seoul City – Seoul in my hands

국민체력100 체력인증센터Citizen reporter Yoo Se-kyung

Publication date 2023.04.27. 14:30
Modification date 2023.04.27. 15:28
Views 4,642

National Fitness 100 Physical Fitness Certification Center

Citizen reporter Yoo Se-kyung

Conveying the historical value of Seoul
Should I try climbing with my family? Recruiting May participants until the 17th

Seoul in my hands

Jamsil Park Golf Course reopens in April… Reservations start on the 15th of every month

Seoul in my hands

Ounwan, Miracle Morning… How does the MZ generation live as a ‘freshman’?

Seoul Research Institute

Would you like to hit a putt at the ‘Park Golf Course’ in the city center, which has returned in the spring?

Citizen reporter Soo-bong Jo

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Don’t be sad that the cherry blossoms are fading~ The Bulam Mountain Azalea Festival starts now!

Citizen reporter Lee Bong-deok

A tulip restaurant that took over the baton after the cherry blossoms fell, come here!

Citizen reporter Moon Cheong-ya

A great help to those who live alone! I applied for 400,000 won for brokerage and moving expenses for young people in Seoul~

Citizen reporter Choi Hyeon-woo

What are the new transportation options in Seoul this year? Pay attention to the ‘three species’ that run in the sky, land, and water!

Citizen reporter Woojin Han

Enjoy ‘Seoul Culture Night’ every Friday evening! Where is it open at night?

Citizen reporter Kim Yun-kyung

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