노비타 고객센터 및 AS Nobita Customer Center and AS

I checked the phone number of the Nobita bidet service center and will share it with you. When you need to repair a Nobita bidet, you need to get advice or request a repairman to visit. In that case, you can use the Nobita headquarters service center. Since my parents’ bidet is Nobita, I found out about it because I applied for it on their behalf.

노비타 고객센터

노비타 고객센터

Nobita bidet service center phone number
The Nobita bidet service center phone number is 1588-6560. The hours when you can connect to a consultant are from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. You can check the exact phone number on the Nobita website, which can be found at the bottom of the screen as shown below.

Phone number

Nobita bidet service is an on-site service where a technician visits you. You can call 1588-6560 to apply for service, or you can apply for service online on the Nobita website.

How to apply for Nobita service online
If you apply online, you will receive a text message saying that your service application has been received, and the technician in charge will contact you to make an appointment. Then, you can make an appointment and receive service.

If you go to [SUPPORT > Online A/S Application] on the Nobita homepage, the screen below will appear. Enter your contact information, address, product name, and symptoms here and submit.

Nationwide Nobita AS Center

In addition, in addition to the 1588-6560 customer center, you can also find and contact Nobita dealers and AS centers nationwide. If you go to [SUPPORT > Nationwide Sales Office Guide], you can find AS centers as shown below.

You can also find and contact Nobita AS centers by region. This method may be better in urgent situations.

Causes of bidet failure?
Bidests seem to break easily. This is because they are installed in humid bathrooms and toilets. Since they are electronic products, they are more likely to break if they are in humid places. The biggest cause of bidet failure is moisture and mold caused by moisture.

And while some bidets are waterproof, others are only waterproof for daily use. In this case, you should not clean them with water. If water gets into the part where the button is pressed, it can malfunction, and if water gets in, it can cause mold and malfunction.

Therefore, you should check the waterproofing level carefully and clean it with water. Even if you clean it with water, you should be careful not to let water get into the part where the bidet button is operated, and it is said that it is also helpful to dry the bathroom so that water dries well.

Let’s not forget to dry the environment where the bidet is installed! And since most bidet malfunctions are due to button malfunctions, they say that this needs to be replaced. So, you have no choice but to receive after-sales service and replace consumables. If you request after-sales service and an engineer visits, the basic travel fee plus the cost of replacing consumables are included. The travel fee is 20,000 won.