다이소 포인트 사용 How to use points at Daiso stores

다이소 포인트 사용I received an email today saying that Daiso Points will expire.
Daiso membership point expiry notice email

I get angry when I receive this e-mail, but at Daiso stores, you can accumulate points with just your phone number, but you need more steps to use the points.
In short,
It means.
How to use points at Daiso stores
Install the Daiso app on your phone and register as a member. You should use the phone number you use to collect Daiso points.

If you install the Daiso app, a lot of ads pop up. So, delete the app after signing up.
When paying at a Daiso store, install the Daiso app for a while before checking out and log in. Log in and prepare the following screen, then start calculating. The generated QR code is maintained for 30 minutes, so scan the QR code before paying You can prepare in advance.
How to open Daiso App QR code

When the screen below appears at the checkout counter, without pressing the phone number on the screen at all, just scan the QR code of the Daiso app with the QR code reader at the checkout counter.
Daiso Cashier QR Code Reader
Take a QR code to use points at the Dai retail store

If it is taken normally, the screen to input the points to be used will appear. (I couldn’t take a picture) If it’s over 100P, you can use all the points you have.
Now, you can delete the Daiso app that pops up ads. Every time you use points at the store, you can install it for a while and delete it again.
The post ends here. Thank you.
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