대구은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Daegu Bank customer center and phone number

I wrote this with the hope that it will be helpful to everyone who is looking for the Daegu Bank customer service phone number, so please take your time to find the desired inquiry number and we have summarized the methods for email and chat consultation, so please refer to it and contact us!

대구은행 고객센터

대구은행 고객센터

Daegu Bank Customer Center Phone Number


Daegu Bank customer service phone numbers are 1566-5050 and 1588-5050. Operating hours are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays and are not open on weekends or public holidays.

When the call is connected, press 0 and then select the desired inquiry code from the numbers below.


No. 1: Deposit consultation
No. 2: BC Card consultation
No. 3: Internet banking consultation
No. 4: Other consultation

Counseling center exclusively for the elderly

The counseling center exclusively for the elderly is set up for those who are too old to consult with a regular counselor. The number is 1670-9550. Operating hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and are closed on weekends and public holidays.


Overseas dedicated consultation number

The dedicated overseas consultation number for those living overseas is 82-53-742-5050. Operating hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and are closed on weekends and public holidays.

Email consultation

This is a service for those who are uncomfortable with phone consultation or have difficulty waiting for a representative to connect. Clicking on the shortcut below will take you to the Daegu Bank email consultation page.



chat consultation

You can consult with a counselor in real time using a chat method that is similar to exchanging text messages. There are many people who prefer chat consultation over the phone, so clicking the shortcut below will take you to the Daegu Bank chat consultation page.



Remote support consultation

Remote support consultation allows you to resolve problems more easily by consulting directly while looking at the customer’s screen. If you click the shortcut below, you will be taken to the Daegu Bank remote support consultation page.