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Nobody is an unmanned pet supply store that currently has about 100 affiliated stores across the country. As the number of people raising companion animals increases, the market is also growing. With the size of the market, the establishment of unmanned stores is becoming a popular trend in order to minimize the increase in labor costs.
Unmanned stores have the advantage of reducing labor costs because there is no need to have full-time employees. However, since it is possible to start a business as long as you have money, the barrier to entry is low and competition can become overheated.
Since the pet industry has a direction that will inevitably grow rather than shrink in the future, an unmanned pet supply shop is a business item worth considering if you are looking into starting an unmanned store.
What are the start-up costs?
An unmanned pet supply store can usually be started with a small commercial space of about 10 pyeong. It costs about 50 million won based on a 10 pyeong store. However, costs related to commercial rental, such as rental deposits, are excluded.
So, how much profit is made and are there really any advantages to operating an unmanned store? Check out the article below about the reality of unmanned store operations and the monthly profits of unmanned pet stores.
🔗 The reality of profit and operation of an unmanned pet store with no one in sight
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