사회복지사 보수교육센터 신청방법 How to apply for the Social Worker Continuing Education Center

Social worker continuing education is one of the professions that plays a very important role in modern society. It supports the socially vulnerable, families and individuals facing various social problems, and plays a role in promoting fairness.

사회복지사 보수교육센터

사회복지사 보수교육센터

Every year, those working as social workers must receive continuing education, and this continuing education can have the effect of improving the quality of people’s lives by improving the level of social welfare services.

Therefore, today we will learn about how to apply for social worker continuing education and how to apply for social worker continuing education center.

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1 What is continuing education for social workers?
2 Apply for continuing education
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What is social worker continuing education?

Those who need to receive continuing education are social workers working at social welfare corporations and social welfare facilities. However, those who have newly acquired social worker certification in the current year are excluded, and those who have been promoted are not eligible.

In addition, the relevant continuing education management and operation organization is the Korean Association of Social Workers, and you must take at least 8 hours of continuing education per year for the relevant year.

Applicants for continuing education must obtain at least 8 points, including at least 1 point (1 point or more) in each required area.

If continuing education is not completed and a fine is imposed, a fine of 200,000 won may be imposed on those who are employed, and a fine of 1 million won may be imposed on those who operate, so they must attend at least 8 hours a year.


Social Welfare Ethics and Human Rights (Duties)
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social welfare practice
Social welfare policy and law
social welfare administration
Social welfare research

Special field
Apply for continuing education

To apply, you must first visit the website of the Online Education Center of the Association of Social Workers. To visit, please search on Naver or go to the shortcut below.

After logging in, select [Continuing Education], select [All (Continuing Education)], and proceed with the education search.

And in order to perform this task, you must first log in to the Online Education Center homepage. If you are not a member, please register as a member and then log in.

To search for continuing education, please select the school district, rating range, institution name and region, enter the name of the education and click the search button.

Additionally, if the tuition fee is not paid within a certain period of time after applying for social worker continuing education training, the training application may be automatically cancelled.

After completing all continuing education, a training completion certificate (certificate) will be issued within 2 weeks from the training date. You can receive it by logging in with your ID at the social worker’s online continuing education center.

✅ Quick cleanup

Go to the Social Worker Continuing Education Center website.
Select Apply for continuing education and log in.
Please enter the name of the institution, training area, and name of the training before applying.
After completing continuing education, a certificate of completion is issued.
Go to the Social Worker Continuing Education Center website