오뚜기 고객센터 전화번호 Product Information | Ottogi

오뚜기 고객센터 전화번호365 days full of laughter and happiness. Ottogi is always with customers. When customers smile, Ottogi is happy.
Ottogi Co., Ltd. creates future value through ESG management,
We will create a sustainable food culture.
This is the company news from Ottogi.
Ottogi listens attentively to even the slightest voice of customers. Please leave any complaints, inquiries, or product-related questions about Ottogi.
We are always striving to develop a new food culture by quickly responding to novel ideas and rapidly changing consumer preferences, quickly hunting down and anticipating consumer needs for products.
Ottogi location list in all regions

Copyright ⓒ OTTOGI CORPORATION.,Ltd All Rights Reserved.

오뚜기 고객센터 전화번호
