우리은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Woori Bank customer center and phone number

Woori Bank Customer Center operates to provide a variety of financial services and support to customers. The customer center handles customer inquiries and problems quickly and efficiently through phone calls, ARS services, and agent connections.

우리은행 고객센터

우리은행 고객센터
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• Woori Bank Customer Center Information
• ARS Information
• Frequently Asked Questions
• conclusion

Woori Bank Customer Center Information


Phone number: 1588-5000 / 1599-5000
When using from overseas: +82-2-2006-5000
Operating hours: Weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00
Woori Bank Customer Center can be contacted at 1588-5000 or 1599-5000, or +82-2-2006-5000 from overseas. Operating hours are from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.



Go to frequently asked customer service questions


ARS Information


Remittance: Woori Bank transfer (No. 1), other bank transfer (No. 2)
Inquiry: Balance inquiry (No. 3), Transaction history inquiry (No. 4)
Others: Woori Card connection (No. 5), other services (No. 6)
Agent connection: 0
Quick service code: balance inquiry (2), Woori Bank transfer (3), other bank transfer (4), transaction history inquiry (5), agent connection (0)

Woori Bank’s ARS service provides various financial services such as account inquiries, transfers, and card services through an automatic response system. Main services include account balance inquiry, transaction history inquiry, card issuance, etc.




Agent connection information

Select from the ARS menu: Select the agent connection option during ARS guidance.
Direct connection: Call the customer center and request to be connected to an agent by dialing ARS number 0.
You can request to be connected to a Woori Bank customer center agent by selecting the agent connection option in the ARS menu or by calling the customer center directly.