차대번호 조회방법 및 제조사별 사이트 How to look up vehicle identification number and sites by manufacturer

Just like a person’s social security number, cars also have a social security number. This is the vehicle identification number. It is a unique number assigned to a vehicle when it is produced, and unlike the vehicle number that changes depending on the owner, it does not change until the vehicle is scrapped. As a result, vehicle theft, accident history, and even parts information can all be checked using this vehicle identification number.차대번호 조회

차대번호 조회

Vehicle identification number-inquiry-site


What is a vehicle identification number?
How to find your vehicle identification number
Collection of vehicle identification number search sites

What is a vehicle identification number?

The vehicle identification number, also known as the automobile resident registration number, is a unique identification number assigned by automobile companies during production. It is also called a vehicle number or vehicle identification number, and is called VIN (Vehicle Information Number) in English. Based on the standardization by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 1981, the VIN number, which is a combination of 17 alphabets and numbers, is uniformly used around the world. It contains vehicle manufacturing year, vehicle model grade, and production information and is used for theft, parts replacement, accident inquiries, and recall targets.


Vehicle identification number – meaning

How to find your vehicle identification number

You can check it on your car registration card, inside the driver’s door, or at the bottom of the dashboard.


Vehicle identification number-location

Collection of vehicle identification number search sites

The vehicle manufacturer’s official website provides a vehicle identification number search service. Go to the website of each car manufacturer and search.


Hyundai vehicle identification number search site

Check specifications – Vehicle management service – Membership & vehicle management | Hyundai Motor

You can inquire about vehicle details. You can find out how to check the specifications of your vehicle.



Kia vehicle identification number search site

main | KIA Members



KIA-Vehicle Specification Inquiry

Ssangyong vehicle identification number search site

Ssangyong Motors

Contents Home > Customer Center > Vehicle Information Inquiry


Ssangyong-vehicle information search

Imported vehicle identification number search site

VIN decoder & lookup – Vindecoderz

Get the complete vehicle history report with owner information, prior accidents and damage.


Imported car-vehicle identification number-inquiry-site

I took the time to find out about the vehicle identification number. The vehicle identification number, which is the vehicle’s resident registration number, can be used to check for theft during parts recall or used car transactions! Please remember! 🙂