코스트코 영업시간 Costco opening hours

Let’s take a look at the 2022 Costco store business hours closed days and membership price information. Costco is a member-based overseas warehouse-type discount store that has a great appeal in that you can buy a variety of high-quality imported products at low prices.


However, since they are sold in box units almost as much as the warehouse brother craftsmen, families with a small family feel the pressure of having to purchase a large amount at once.

2022 Costco Store Hours Closed

On the other hand, the quality and price merits compared to products on the market are so great that it is called ant hell. On weekends, nearby parking lots are paralyzed, and people can see people coming out with shopping carts full of purchases due to crowds of people. 코스트코 영업시간


When business hours were limited due to COVID-19, so many people were using the store that they were able to see the unique scene of people pulling shopping carts and standing in line even before store opening hours. 좋은뉴스

코스트코 영업시간


Costco opening hours
costco annual membership price
costco payment method
costco online mall
Costco Shopping Tips
Shop one season in advance

Costco opening hours

Due to Corona 19, Costco’s business hours were restricted like other large marts, but as of September 2022, it is conducting normal business.

weekday weekend
It operates from 10 am to 10 pm.


Closed on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, January 1st, Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok holidays.


▼Costco-related information▼

📌Costco official website
📌Costco store closed days
📌Find Costco stores nationwide

costco annual membership price

Costco, which is operated as a membership system, has different annual fees depending on the business operator/general member, and the price also varies depending on points accumulated/non-pointed. The annual fee is KRW 38,500 for the most basic general member without points. Businesses are 33,000 won, and if you sign up as an individual and then sign up again as a business, you can get a refund of 5,500 won.


Membership fees can be paid in cash or with a Hyundai card. If you are not a member, you can purchase and use a Costco gift certificate through a member, but you cannot purchase discounted items at a discounted price.

If you buy and use an annual membership and don’t like it and want a refund, it’s good to use it because you can get a refund without any special restrictions.


📌Costco store closed days


📌 Nationwide E-Mart business hours Closed in 2022

Nationwide E-Mart business hours Closed in 2022

Let’s find out the Chuseok business hours as of 2022. The advantage of a large mart is the convenience of being able to shop for a variety of items, including various items, at one time until late at night.


costco payment method

The most special thing about Costco’s operation is that it selects and accepts payment methods. As of September 2022, only cash and Hyundai Card are accepted. Previously, it was Samsung Card, but recently changed to Hyundai Card.


Although the intention was to designate a place that receives the lowest card fee so that consumers can buy things cheaper, there are also inconveniences from the consumer’s point of view.


costco online mall

Costco also operates an online mall. If it is difficult to shop because the store is far away or the goods are heavy, you can also use the online mall. Online, as well as on-site, payment can only be made with Hyundai Card.


Costco Shopping Tips

When you check Costco’s business hours and enter Costco, there is a sign that lets you see information about new products and sale items right away.


📌Costco official website


📌Find Costco stores nationwide


Because there are so many items, you may miss out on sale items, so when you go in to shop, you first check the sale items with your own eyes and then think about your shopping list again.


The quality meat stalls are always popular, and fresh seafood such as abalone, octopus, eel and shrimp are also popular. Breads such as inexpensive bagels and frozen croissants, raw fish, and sushi are also popular items.


In addition, there are many other items such as various sauces and cheese that are not often seen on the market, so it is a fun time to take your time and do eye-shopping.


📌 Post office business hours Holidays (Saturday / Sunday)

Post Office Hours Holidays (Saturday / Sunday)

Let’s see what the post office’s business hours are like on holidays and Saturdays and Sundays. There are many people who use the post office for various reasons. However, people who go to work or school


Shop one season in advance

Seasonal products are always sold one season in advance, so if you go shopping for a swimsuit in the middle of summer or a winter jumper in the middle of winter, we recommend that you shop one season in advance, thinking that there are no products or you cannot see a variety of products.


The food court was popular for its low price, high quality and good taste. It was not properly operated due to COVID-19, but is now being reopened, so it is fun to use the food court whenever you shop.

When you check the amount at the cash register after a fun and happy shopping, most of the cases come out a lot, but because it is large, there are many people who use it regularly because it is a store with merits considering that it is a large quantity and eaten for a long time.


It is a magical place that makes membership renewal every year because there are so many products that some people say ant hell. Today, we learned about the 2022 Costco store business hours closed days and membership price information.