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We will share the Free Life Customer Center phone number, mutual aid cancellation method, and cancellation refund information. If you have any questions or are worried about canceling your membership after signing up for Free Life Mutual Aid, please refer to it and use it.

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1 Summary of Freelife Customer Center phone numbers
1.1 How to cancel Freelife Mutual Aid
1.2 Free Life Mutual Aid Cancellation Refund Information (Cancellation Refund Rate Table)
Free Life Customer Center Phone Number Summary

Freelife Customer Center Phone Number: 1588-3740 / 1588-8204
Consultation hours: 24 hours for funeral reception, 9:00 – 18:00 for general consultation
Free Life official website: preedlife.com
If you want free life consultation, you can call 1588-3740 or 1588-8204. Please note that 1588-3740 is also the 24-hour funeral reception phone number.

There are times when the phone connection is extremely difficult, and there are times when it goes faster than expected, so be prepared and call.

Freelife-Phone Number
Freelife-Phone Number
How to cancel Freelife Mutual Aid
Call FreeLife Customer Center
Check the current cancellation refund amount
Apply for cancellation
Submit cancellation application, copy of ID, and copy of bankbook.
If you have signed up for a Free Life Mutual Aid product, you may want to cancel. In the end, you must apply for cancellation by phone to the customer service center and fill out and send the documents required for cancellation.

The documents you need to submit may vary depending on the cancellation refund amount. Your counselor will provide you with detailed information, but you can usually submit a contract cancellation application form, a copy of your bankbook, and a copy of your ID card.

If the cancellation refund is less than 300,000 won, they say they can deposit it right away after verifying your identity. First, check how much your cancellation refund is.

You can check the cancellation refund amount through a counselor at the customer center, or log in to the Free Life website and check it yourself. If you go to My Page, the subscription product information, payment period, total payment amount, and cancellation refund amount are all displayed.

Free Life Mutual Aid Cancellation Refund Information (Cancellation Refund Rate Table)
However, mutual aid products are somewhat similar to insurance, so depending on when you cancel, the amount you get back may be very small or not at all.

The cancellation refund rate varies greatly from person to person, but you can check the cancellation refund rate by checking the subscription product manual, contract certificate, or logging into the Free Life website. The cancellation refund rate varies depending on the product, company, subscription period, etc.

This is a table where you can check the cancellation refund amount according to the payment cycle. By looking at this, you can check the expected amount of your cancellation refund. For example, if you cancel on the 40th occasion, it will show you how much the cancellation refund amount is.

It is best to compare this with your actual cancellation refund and consider when it is beneficial to you to cancel before canceling. I thought it was definitely a good idea when I signed up, but after 2-3 years, it can feel like paying money is a waste.

However, if you cancel without thinking, it could actually be a loss. In some cases, it may be beneficial to pay a little more and then cancel when the cancellation refund amount increases, so calculate it yourself and decide. Normally, you must complete payment by maturity to get the cancellation refund closer to the principal amount. If you cancel mid-term, the cancellation refund will inevitably be less.

Also, some companies refund 100% of the principal even at maturity, while others only refund up to 85%.

Check the cancellation refund rate table for the mutual aid product I signed up for.
Check the current payment cycle and expected cancellation refund amount
Please look at the cancellation refund rate table, consider when is best to cancel based on your criteria, and decide carefully.

For reference, the standard surrender refund rate table is as follows. Please note that it is calculated this way because it is literally a standard.