하나은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Hana Bank customer center and phone number

Those who do not have time or are too busy to visit Hana Bank can perform simple and most tasks through the customer center. In this article, we have compiled information on Hana Bank’s customer service center phone number, business hours, and duties. You can call customer service right away.

하나은행 고객센터

하나은행 고객센터


Hana Bank Customer Center Phone Number
Hana Bank Customer Center Phone Number
main number
Telephone number for each task
For foreigners only
Information on phone banking service usage hours
Things to watch out for
Connect to a Hana Bank agent
Other functions (Agent connection
How to use other functions
Install Hana Bank app

Hana Bank Customer Center Phone Number
Please refer to the Hana Bank Customer Center phone number and consultation hours below.

Hana Bank Customer Center Phone Number
main number
Telephone number for each task
Deposit: 1811-6171
Fund: 1811-6172
Loan: 1599-2222
Forex: 1811-6174
For seniors only: 1899-8833
Overseas call: +82-42-520-2500
For foreigners only
Consultation in foreign languages ​​is available by calling the number above.

You can transfer money, check balance, check transaction history, send money overseas, and connect to a counselor in English or Chinese.

You can transfer money, check balance, check transaction history, send money overseas, and connect to a counselor in English or Chinese.


Information on phone banking service usage hours
The service we commonly refer to as connecting via phone is called phone banking. Hana Bank provides this service 24 hours a day, so you can call at any time.


Service contents usage time
Deposit 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Deposit inquiry 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Loan 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Loan inquiry 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Party/other party remittance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Accident report 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Deposit, loan, foreign exchange, personal internet banking consultation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Retirement pension, subscription, corporate internet banking consultation weekdays 09:00 – 18:00

Things to watch out for
During the Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings & Clearings Institute fund settlement hours (23:50~00:05), transfers to other banks are not possible.

If the receiving bank (other bank) does not provide 24-hour service, transfer to that bank is not possible until 07:00 the next day.


Connect to a Hana Bank agent
Connect to main number 1588-1111 / 1599-1111
When you hear the ARS voice, press 0. (Connect to counseling staff)
Please enter the desired service number. (See table below)
Service Code Service Contents Usage Hours
1 Automatic deposit transfer, transaction history, product consultation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
2 Loan interest and product consultation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
3 Foreign currency exchange, remittance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
4 My Data, Hana One Q, Internet Banking, Phone Banking 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
5 Corporate Hana One Q, corporate internet banking weekdays 09-18:00
6 New deposit, trust, insurance weekdays 09-18:00
7 Retirement pension, IRP, subscription, fund weekdays 09-18:00
9 Credit/debit card 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Other functions (Agent connection
After connecting to the main number, you can use additional functions without connecting to a representative by simply clicking a button. Since most of the work is done at a bank, these are very useful functions. Please take full advantage of it. For example, please refer to the table below to start with the transfer function to Hana Bank.



How to use other functions
Connect to main number 1588-1111 / 1599-1111
When the ARS voice sounds, press the desired number (see table above)
Find and select the detailed task from the desired service content
Install Hana Bank app
If you install Hana Bank’s app, you can use even better functions with just a cell phone without phone consultation. You can easily install the app by following the steps below.