현금영수증 발급방법 What if you forgot your cash receipt? are you okay! How to self-issue cash receipts

현금영수증 발급방법“Would you like a cash receipt?”
This is what you always hear when you pay with cash rather than a card. A cash receipt literally refers to a receipt issued for cash payments. In general, you can receive a mobile phone number by presenting your mobile phone number when making a payment, and the transaction details are automatically notified to the National Tax Service’s computer system directly through the business terminal. It began to be implemented in 2005 to make up for the blind spot of cash, which is that it leaves no trace and makes it difficult to determine the flow.
As it has already been 15 years since the system was introduced, we all know that if you pay with cash, the store will issue a cash receipt, but despite this, there are often cases where a cash receipt cannot be issued. You might get a call while you’re paying the bills, or your schedule might be so tight that you don’t even have time to say your cell phone number. You may be absent-mindedly thinking about something else and answer incorrectly and miss the timing for issuance, or you may simply forget at that moment. In rare cases, there may be cases* where a business refuses to issue a cash receipt.
*Wait a minute here! A business operator has an obligation to issue a cash receipt if the consumer requests it, regardless of whether the cost is small or large. Businesses that refuse to issue cash receipts may be subject to additional taxes and fines depending on the transaction amount.
What should I do if I cannot receive a cash receipt from the store for various reasons? From now on, IBK Industrial Bank will tell you how to self-issue cash receipts that you can easily do on your own!

Cash receipt directly! How do I voluntarily issue it?

In order to directly issue a cash receipt, an essential item is the receipt. In order to directly issue a cash receipt, you need ① approval number, ② transaction date, and ③ payment amount, as these are written on the receipt.
Once you have your receipt ready, please access the National Tax Service’s Hometax website. ☞ www.hometax.go.kr

There are a lot of menus! Don’t panic, and go to the main ‘Cash Receipt’ icon or menu [View/Issue] – [Cash Receipt], then [Edit Cash Receipt] – [Consumer Registration for Voluntary Issuance]. When you log in, you will see a screen where you can enter the approval number, transaction date, and amount as mentioned earlier. Please enter the information exactly as it appears on your receipt here.
When you click ‘View’ and the details appear at the bottom, you can register the transaction details. You can confirm that a cash receipt has been issued about 2-3 days after completing registration.

What are the benefits to consumers when issuing cash receipts?

It’s not that difficult to get a cash receipt that you haven’t received yet on your own, right? However, it is true that it is a hassle that makes you wonder if there is a need to get one issued. Although the government has mandated the issuance of cash receipts for businesses in some industries, cash receipts are not actually essential for consumers.
Still, there is a good reason to issue a cash receipt: it offers income tax deduction benefits! At year-end tax settlement, 15% of credit card transaction amount and 30% of check card or cash transaction amount are deducted. A check card automatically records records, but if you use cash, you must issue a cash receipt to receive the deduction.
Today, if you forget to issue a cash receipt, we learned how to voluntarily issue a cash receipt later. Now, even if it is a small expense, I hope you can receive a cash receipt and take advantage of the year-end income tax deduction benefits!
A new world through finance, IBK Industrial Bank of Korea
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