혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급 Internet issuance of marriage certificate

Internet issuance of marriage certificate



Everyone, are you having a good day today?? In this post, we will look at how to get a marriage certificate issued on the Internet in 3 minutes, which can prove that your relationship with your spouse is legally married. It takes a long time because I don’t know where to get a marriage certificate online. If you refer to the Internet issuance method of the marriage certificate below, you can receive it within 3 minutes, so please refer to it. 혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급


혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급



In the past, many certificates, including marriage certificates, could be issued only by visiting the district office or district office. However, now, except for some certificates, it has changed to be issued on the Internet. Marriage certificates can also be issued online. 좋은뉴스





A marriage certificate is a legal certificate to prove the marital relationship between a man and a woman, and contains information such as the spouse’s information, the date of marriage, and the place of registration.


How to issue a marriage certificate
Learn how to obtain a marriage certificate. In order to receive a marriage certificate online, you can check it on the official website of the court’s electronic family relationship registration system. Please refer to the official website of the Electronic Family Relations Registration System of the Court of Korea, and you can easily obtain a marriage certificate through the Internet.


First of all, you need a public certificate for self-certification as a necessary preparation before issuing a certificate. Prepare an official certificate in advance, search for “electronic family relationship registration system” in the search bar of a search portal such as Google or Daum, and click the homepage that appears to access it.




If you have accessed the homepage of the Electronic Family Relations Registration System, click Issuance of Family Relations Register on the main screen to enter.




After that, enter your name and resident registration number and log in through the public certificate.




If you have logged in, you can receive the Internet issuance of the marriage certificate after additional authentication, and you can print it out according to the purpose of use.


marriage certificate




A marriage certificate is a certificate that legally proves the marriage of a citizen of the Republic of Korea and the relationship with a spouse, and records the current residence and date of marriage. A lot of people submit marriage certificates that prove their relationship with their spouse through bank transactions or various other documents. It is possible to issue offline, but because there is the hassle of having to visit in person, the Internet issuance of marriage certificate can be easily and quickly issued, so many people get it online.








At this time, we learned how to issue a marriage certificate online. It would be nice to refer to the above method and get a marriage certificate issued online.