통장압류 해지기간 3 ways to cancel bank account seizure How long is the cancellation fee? | Individual Rehabilitation Bankruptcy KRW 1.85 million or less

It is a situation where debtors have no choice but to live with a very burden due to interest rate hikes and inflation in addition to the corona crisis. 통장압류 해지기간

In such a situation, if the debt is overdue, the debt is recovered by seizing the property. Starting with the seizure of the debtor’s property, even the bankbook is seized, making life itself difficult.

통장압류 해지기간

In particular, seizure of bankbooks will be fatal for office workers who have to live on a monthly salary or for business owners who have to transfer money every month.

For such people, it is currently possible to release the bankbook seizure for money under 1.85 million won for minimum livelihood maintenance. In addition to this, it is also possible to use the personal rehabilitation system to release the seizure of the bank account. 1분전


So today, let’s take a closer look at how to cancel a passbook seizure.





✅ Where to apply for a passbook seizure?




Go to Application for Cancellation of Seizure of Bankbook






1. How to cancel bank account seizure?
2. How to cancel bank account seizure?
1. Apply for cancellation of seizure of bankbook under KRW 1.85 million
2. Arrangements with Creditors
3. Personal rehabilitation or bankruptcy application
1. Application for cancellation of seizure of bankbook through personal rehabilitation
2. Application for termination of bankruptcy seizure through bankruptcy application
3. What can I do if I cannot apply for the withdrawal of the seizure of my bankbook?
4. How long is the release period if I apply for the cancellation of the seizure of my bankbook?
5. What about family money if the bankbook is seized?
6. Frequently Asked Questions on Bank Seizure
1. Will it be terminated if I pay the bankbook seizure arrears?
2. How long is the withdrawal period for bankbook seizure?
3. Application for termination of seizure of bankbook with special approval?
4. If the bankbook is seized due to the payment of the penalty, will it be automatically terminated if the penalty is paid?
5. Credit Recovery Commission Debt Adjustment Whether it is possible to cancel the seizure of bankbooks when repayment is in progress every month
6. What is the cost of canceling bank account seizure?
1. How to cancel bank account seizure?









First of all, bankbook seizure refers to one of the methods in which a creditor forces a debtor to forcefully enforce a property against a debtor when the debtor does not repay the money. It proceeds by seizing the other party’s main bank account.


When a debtor is seized, the debtor’s credit and daily life are greatly affected, so there is pressure to pay back money.






When can I get a loan after personal rehabilitation? Loan method Summary of loan conditions

Termination of seizure of bankbook




From the debtor’s point of view, I’m under pressure every day because of debt, but if I get a bankbook seized, I fall into a frustrating situation.

In that case, you will find out how to cancel the bank transfer.

We will check below for details on how to cancel the bank transfer seizure.









2. How to cancel bank account seizure?









1. Apply for cancellation of seizure of bankbook under KRW 1.85 million





✅ Where to apply for a passbook seizure?




Go to Application for Cancellation of Seizure of Bankbook




According to the current law, the amount of less than 1.85 million won in the bankbook is all, but if the bankbook is seized, you can apply for a change in the scope of the seizure prohibition bond to the court and receive the amount for less than 1.85 million won.

Documentation is required for this section.

First of all, it is necessary to prove that there is only a total of less than 1.85 million won in all bank accounts.

Certificates of balances of all bank accounts belonging to the debtor
Recent deposit and withdrawal transaction statement 1 year period
Confirmation of notice of confiscation




✅ What are the 5 impossible situations to qualify for personal rehabilitation? reimbursement of expenses

Cost of withdrawal of bankbook seizure




In addition, it is difficult to make a living recently, so we need data to prove the termination of seizure of the bankbook.

Employer: Salary stub or health insurance qualification certificate
Health Insurance Corporation: Confirmation of payment of health or long-term care insurance premiums of subscribers
Tax Office: Certificate of fact proving that there is no income
Community center: copy of certified copy, tax certificate by local tax item, etc..




Lastly, we need data to prove that the money of the deposits below, which are prohibited from seizure, have been deposited.


Recipient Amount of Basic Recipient
child allowance
public servant pension
national pension
work subsidy
Emergency livelihood support, etc..


If you apply for cancellation of bank account seizure to secure funds for the minimum cost of living of less than 1.85 million won, it usually takes about 2 to 3 weeks.











2. Arrangements with Creditors









Another way to terminate the seizure of the bankbook is to apply for termination of the seizure of the bankbook through an agreement with the creditor.

The seizure of the bankbook itself is a means of forcing the creditor to proceed with provisional seizure if the debtor does not have the ability or intention to pay the debt.


In this part, in a situation where the amount of possession or monthly income of the debtor is identified after the seizure, it is possible to reach an agreement by promising to repay the debt through an agreement with the creditor.

In this way, it is possible to terminate the seizure of the bankbook by agreement with the creditor




3. Personal rehabilitation or bankruptcy application



Qualifications for applying for personal rehabilitation What are the 5 impossible situations? reimbursement of expenses




There are people who do not have the method of canceling the passbook seizure described above. In such a case, giving up is not the only answer, but it is possible to terminate the bankbook seizure through the mediation and relief of the court.

These include personal injury or bankruptcy.









1. Application for cancellation of seizure of bankbook through personal rehabilitation






If your bank account is seized because of existing debt, you can solve it through personal rehabilitation.

The order is to obtain a restraining order from the court that received the personal rehabilitation.


If you issue a restraining order, you will be able to prevent seizure of property, seizure of bankbook, seizure of wages, debt collection, etc. from all creditors at the time of personal rehabilitation.


Therefore, if the bank account has already been seized before applying for personal rehabilitation, it is better to apply for an injunction from the court first.




After that, you can apply for the cancellation of the bank account seizure after the decision to authorize it after personal rehabilitation.

The documents for the release of the seizure are as follows:


Seizure release (cancellation) application form
A copy of the repayment plan approval decision
Original copy of confirmation certificate
A copy of the list of individual rehabilitation creditors
Original copy of the seizure decision








2. Application for termination of bankruptcy seizure through bankruptcy application



Cost of withdrawal of bankbook seizure



If you apply for bankruptcy waiver and the waiver is confirmed, you can apply for release of bankruptcy seizure.

After the court has confirmed the immunity, you can submit the following documents to the court about 2 to 3 weeks later when you apply for release of the seizure of your bankbook.


application for release of seizure
bankruptcy decision
certificate of confirmation
Copy of list of creditors
Bond Seizure Decision









3. What can I do if I cannot apply for the withdrawal of the seizure of my bankbook?








Debtors who are in an impossible situation even if they try to cancel the seizure of their bankbook must find another way.

If you say no, it will have a big impact on your daily life, so you should somehow avoid seizure of your bankbook.


For those who are worried about the immediate living expenses, it is a way to transfer the deposits of the main bank to another account, for example, a second financial institution account, before the bankbook is seized.

This is because, in general, when a creditor collects money from a debtor, it is not done for all accounts of the debtor, but for a specific account.

Of course, these methods are temporary and are likely to eventually lead to seizure of bank accounts.










4. How long is the release period if I apply for the cancellation of the seizure of my bankbook?



Seizure of bankbook under 185




If you repay the borrowed money to cancel the seized bankbook through the bankbook seizure cancellation method and fill out the attached documents, it will be possible to process it within 7 days of applying for the seizure release.

Of course, those who are in a situation where they cannot repay the money among the methods for canceling the seizure of the bankbook found earlier can apply for termination of the seizure of the bankbook through personal rehabilitation or bankruptcy.

If you apply for a release of the seizure in this way, it will take about 1 to 2 weeks after you submit the application to the court to release the seizure.









5. What about family money if the bankbook is seized?











There are people who are worried about what will happen to their family money when their bankbook is seized. I wonder if the family is also affected by the joint responsibility due to the seizure of the bankbook.

Even if the bankbook is seized, the family does not have a joint debt.

Because of this, if the debtor’s salary is not applied for debt collection, there are cases where the salary is returned to the family’s bank account.









6. Frequently Asked Questions on Bank Seizure





1. Will it be terminated if I pay the bankbook seizure arrears?

Bankruptcy seizure does not immediately end when you pay the arrears.

If you have paid all of your debt repayment to the foreclosure creditor, you can contact the creditor and apply for withdrawal of the foreclosure.







2. How long is the withdrawal period for bankbook seizure?


After the decision to terminate the seizure is made by the court, it is delivered to the main branch of the bank corresponding to the third debtor. After that, the bag is sent to the corresponding branch and is canceled at the branch.

It usually takes at least 7 days to 2 weeks.








3. Application for termination of seizure of bankbook with special approval?


If you have received special approval for repair, you can apply for the termination of the seizure of your bankbook if you request the termination of seizure to proceed with the dividend procedure.










4. If the bankbook is seized due to the payment of the penalty, will it be automatically terminated if the penalty is paid?


In a situation where your account is seized due to non-payment of fines, it will not be automatically terminated even if you have paid all of the unpaid fines.

It is possible to contact the prosecutor’s office collection office that collects the fine and request the termination of the seizure due to the payment of the fine.

Although the seized account will be canceled after the period, it is recommended to make a separate request to use it quickly.

If you contact the collection department and request it, within 3 to 5 days