카카오톡 멀티프로필 How to use KakaoTalk multi-profile (check other party, group chat, settings, delete)

카카오톡 멀티프로필hello. It’s day off.
This time, I tried out Talk Drawer Plus for free while transferring KakaoTalk conversations/media.
I saw the ‘multi-profile’ trend becoming popular these days, so I made one and tried it out.
First of all, as a personal review, I thought it was psychologically safe for people in the same group chat room to use the same profile, and I thought it would be a good idea to categorize profiles by group or frequency of contact.
I set up a basic profile with my face on it for people I frequently contact, and two multi-profiles for people I contact infrequently and people I don’t contact at all.
I was secretly uncomfortable with my profile showing my face being revealed to everyone, but now I feel like I can change my profile with more peace of mind, so I am quite satisfied with this service.
So today, we will post about ‘How to create and cancel KakaoTalk multi-profile’ and various other questions.
(# Please do not steal my blog posts and photos. We are monitoring and requesting suspension of posting.)

1. Is this a free service?
2. Is it available for both iPhone and Galaxy?
3. How many can be created?
4. When creating multiple profiles, won’t it be confusing as to who will see which profile?
5. Will the other person applying for multi-profile know that he or she is a multi-profile candidate?
6. How will it look in a group chat room with people who apply differently?

To use multi-profile, you must subscribe to a paid cloud service called ‘Talk Drawer Plus’. → This is a free service.
The fee for using Talk Drawer Plus is 990 won per month (first month free). In addition to multi-profile, you can safely store conversations, photos, videos, and files exchanged in KakaoTalk rooms, and you can also display your ID card and qualifications on your profile (profile authentication badge) through an electronic wallet.
You can try it for free for the first month, so if you’re curious, you can try it for a month before making a decision. Multi-profile is free!!!

Well then, let’s make it. iPhone has also been updated to allow multi-profile use.
When you open the KakaoTalk app, you can see ‘My Multi-Profile’ under my profile.
Go to ‘+ Set a different profile for each friend!’

You will be taken to a page where you can set up multiple profiles.
You can decorate your profile the same as before (basic), including photo registration, nickname, and comments, as well as music settings, emoticon attachment, and D-day settings.
After setting up your profile, click Done and ‘Friend Management’ will appear at the bottom.
Go to ‘Friend Management’ and designate friends to display in multi-profile.

A list of all friends registered in my KakaoTalk will appear, and a button to select will appear next to it.
Select the friend you want to show the multi-profile to and click OK.

If you go back to the KakaoTalk main page, you can see that a new multi-profile list has been created under your basic profile.
Up to three multi-profiles can be created.

If you set up multiple multi-profiles, you may wonder which profile will be displayed to which friends.
Photos and comments shown to the other person are displayed under the name of the friend in the list.

If there is a multi-profile target in the group chat room, the person who applied as the basic profile is displayed differently as the basic profile, and the person who applied as the multi-profile is displayed differently as the multi-profile. (Still, profile pictures may come up during conversations, so you should be careful with members in the same room, right? I was nervous for no reason.)
Kakao says they cannot tell whether the other person has applied a basic profile or a multi-profile.

There is a way to delete the multi-profile itself, or there is a way to leave the multi-profile as is and only add/delete friends.
Since Multi-Profile is a service available only to Talk Drawer Plus subscribers, a paid service, if you cancel Talk Drawer Plus, your Multi-Profile will also be automatically deleted and displayed as a default profile.

Go to KakaoTalk > More > Settings (gear)

Select Multi-Profile.

The multi-profile I set appears. Go to editing.

Select Delete next to the profile you want to remove.
If you delete a multi-profile, your profile as viewed by friends assigned to that multi-profile will change to the default profile.

This is a case where I signed up for Talk Drawer Plus to transfer data to a new cell phone.
I was very satisfied that I could organize the photos differently based on the frequency of contact. 990 won per month is not a big cost, so I am thinking about continuing to use it. This service is currently available for free.
The first month is free, so if you’re curious, subscribe and test it out. Hope this helps!

카카오톡 멀티프로필

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