이름으로 사람찾기 Find people by name

Find People by Name Homepage | KakaoTalk KakaoTalk KakaoStory Let’s learn about Find People 2022 by Date of Birth.

I am curious to see how the acquaintances, such as friends, lovers, family members, and teachers, whom I have known for a long time, are doing, and I want to meet them at least once. We’ll show you how to find people by name or birthday.

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Find people by name website

google homepage

First of all, you can find it by doing a search on the Google website. When you come to this place by searching, please write the name of the person you want to know in the search box as it is.

이름으로 사람찾기

The search results will appear on the next page. If you click on the image tab here, various person information will appear. You can find pictures of people you want to know here.

At this time, rather than just entering the name of the person you want to find, if you know the school, club, region, name, etc., you can find it easily if you use it appropriately and enter it. You can find people by name on the Google website.

▼ Find People by Name Go to Google Homepage 이름으로 사람찾기

Go to the website for finding people by name 좋은뉴스


Go to the website for finding people by name
facebook homepage

Another way is to use social media platforms.

After downloading the app, log in to the main screen. Here, click the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner.

After clicking on it, you will see a space at the top where you can write the person’s name. You can search more quickly by entering the name of the person you are looking for and entering the details of the person you are looking for in the order of city, school, and workplace on the right side after entering the name. If you want to find a person by name, you can check it on the Facebook homepage.

▼ Find people by name Go to Facebook homepage

Go to Facebook homepage


Go to Facebook homepage to find people by name
Naver Band website

After logging in, the main screen appears. It’s more of an internet meeting community. In the search box at the top of the main screen, write the name of the reunion group of the school you graduated from.

Then you can see information about various elementary, middle, and high schools. Find an alumni association at the school you graduated from and join them. And you can find the person you are looking for. If you want to find a person by name, you can check directly on the website below.

▼How to find people by name in Naver Band

Shortcut to find people by name on Naver Band


Go to Naver Band homepage
How to find people by name in KakaoTalk or KakaoTalk

Find people by name
In KakaoTalk, there is a function to find a contact or ID by default. If you use this function well, you can find the person you are looking for.

If you click the Add Friend button after signing up, you can set up a menu with QR code, recommended friend, contact information, and additional ID as shown in the picture.

Contacts Click the Add Friend tab to display the friend and name input window. Enter the name of the friend you are looking for and enter their phone number to register a new friend. You can find your acquaintances in the registered friends list. You can find detailed information on how to find a person by name on the KakaoTalk website.

▼ How to find a person by name in KakaoTalk

Go to KakaoTalk homepage


How to find people by name on KakaoTalk
How to find people by name in Kakao Story

I’m curious to see how the acquaintances, such as lovers, friends, and teachers, that I’ve known for a long time are doing, so I want to meet them. In this case, the fastest and most convenient way is to use SNS.

Kakao Story, one of the photo-oriented SNS, provides a friend finding function. It’s actually a very popular method. The more active you are in the story, the more likely you are to find it.

First, touch the Kakao Story app installed on your smartphone to run it. Tap the search (magnifying glass) icon in the lower left corner.

Then click the search bar in the menu. Enter the name of the person you want to find in the search bar and select the person channel tab at the bottom.

Note that when searching for a name, you are more likely to find it if you enter both the Last+First name and First name format. For example, if the name of the person you are looking for is Kim Soo-hyun, you can enter both Kim Soo-hyun and Soo-hyun. When the search is complete, you can find the person in the list of results at the bottom.

▼You can check how to find people by name in Kakao Story.

Go to Kakao Story homepage


Find people by date of birth

One of Cyworld’s powerful features is finding people. If you are looking for alumni after graduating from school or looking for friends you haven’t contacted for a long time, Cyworld People Finder can be very useful.

Finding an old friend is easy if you only know the name and date of birth. By default, you must be logged in to Cyworld.

To use, log in to the app or PC. Select Find People from the menu at the top left of the main page. You can find by searching the date of birth of the member you are looking for.

Find people by name so far Homepage | KakaoTalk KakaoTalk Kakao Story Find out about people by date of birth 2022 by name.