우리카드 고객센터 및 전화번호 Woori Card customer center and phone number

Woori Card customer service phone number information
Do you know about a customer center where you can get quick help if you have questions or problems while using our card? In order to provide customized services to customers, Woori Card operates a free consultation phone number for friendly and professional consultation.

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우리카드 고객센터

Woori Card customer service phone number information
Woori Card’s customer service phone number is 1588-1234. You can call this number to report inquiries or inconveniences related to Woori Card. The customer center is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is available for phone consultation at any time.

Guide to using Woori Card Customer Center
When using the customer center, you must have your Woori Card membership number or personal information. Through this, you can check customer information and receive faster and more accurate help. Additionally, please note that identity verification may be required during phone calls to ensure customer information security.

Woori Card Customer Center Service Information
Woori Card Customer Center provides the following services through friendly and professional consultation.

Inquiries about card use and payment
Report lost or stolen card
Information on installment financial products and benefits
Request to change invoice and payment date
Resolving inquiries and complaints related to other card use
Woori Card listens to our customers’ valuable opinions and always does our best to provide better service. Please feel free to contact our card customer service center at any time to receive friendly and prompt assistance. We will do our best to help you avoid any inconvenience. thank you