휴대폰 미납 대출 A fatal problem that arises when you pay your mobile phone bill late.

휴대폰 미납 대출C.S.Lewis
Financial Life Guide

Recently, the terminal price charged on mobile phone bills has increased significantly. Perhaps because of this, the delinquency rate has increased. In particular, the number of non-payment cases in 2030 has increased significantly. This is definitely not something to be taken lightly. This can have a fatal impact on your credit rating.

You may say, ‘The mobile phone bill is a small amount, less than 100,000 won, so there will be no problem if I pay it again.’ Actually, that is not the case. Mobile phone charges largely include communication fees, mobile phone device installments, and small payments. The most problematic thing here is the terminal installment. If the installment is not paid for a certain period of time, the guarantee company pays the unpaid installment to the telecommunication company on your behalf according to a prior agreement. This information is registered with the Korea Credit Information Service along with delinquent payment information, and immediately lowers your credit score.

Credit scores are really important for the younger generation, who will be more active in their financial lives from now on. (More information about credit scores can be found here)

It’s because of ‘loans.’ Usually, people become financially independent in their 30s. You may need a lump sum or a deposit for a house, or sometimes money to buy a car. If you need such a large amount of money, you apply for a loan from a financial institution such as a bank. Let’s change our perspective and think about it from the perspective of lending money. Financial institutions will pay close attention to whether this person will repay the money well. That’s why it’s important to refer to your credit score. The credit score is an indicator that evaluates all of the person’s past credit transactions. What if the credit score is low or there is a history of delinquent payments?• It is difficult to get a loan from a first-tier financial institution with low interest rates and safety.• Obtain a loan Even if you do, the limit is not high or the interest rate is set relatively high.• If you cannot borrow the amount you need from a primary financial institution, you may have to borrow the remainder from secondary financial institutions or credit card companies with high interest rates. The interest burden you have to pay each month increases. Even if you don’t borrow a lot of money, there are many disadvantages, big and small.• You may be rejected when you want to open a credit card.• It may also be difficult to open a new mobile phone.

Once your credit score drops, it is not easy to raise it again. This is also a characteristic of ‘credit’. It takes a long time to build trust in relationships with others, but once you break a promise, you are in trouble. What if you are frequently behind on your terminal installment payment more than once? A delinquency record remains and your credit score goes down. Even if you repay all of this money, the record will remain for a certain period of time (up to 5 years). To restore your credit score, you must prove that you are no longer a delinquent person. The only way is to make honest credit transactions over a long period of time. The key is to maintain your credit score by managing your credit well from the beginning. It is more efficient not to break your credit in the first place than to try to rebuild it once it has been broken.
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휴대폰 미납 대출
