무신사 고객센터 및 전화번호 Mushin Customer Center and Phone Number

If you do a clothing shopping mall, it seems that the gods are the first to come to mind. If you do shopping at Mushin Temple, you will have some questions such as delivery, payment, return, cancellation, and exchange. Let’s check the phone number and consultation time of the Mushin Customer Center!

무신사 고객센터

무신사 고객센터

Mushinsa Shopping Mall
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Customer Center phone number/consultation time
Go to Mushinja Store Customer Center
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Mushinsa Shopping Mall
Introduction of Mushin Temple Shopping Mall
In Mushin Temple, you can buy female bags such as shoulder bags, pouch bags, cross bags, clutches, tote bags and backpacks. Skirts, pants, dresses, shoes, socks, watches, underwear, sunglasses and sports supplies. There is also a short -sleeved T -shirt that can be worn in summer. You can also buy shirts, blouses, caps, baseball caps, shoulder bags, denim pants, slippers, canvases, shoes, sandals and boots.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
At the Mushin Customer Center site, you can see frequently asked questions about payment methods, inventory, member information modifications, IDs and passwords, and purchasing methods.

How to use the reserve
I think you’re curious about how to use the reserves. The reserves can be used if you have more than 5,000 won. You can pay up to 7%of the selling price. The reserves can be used only when it is connected.

Differences between reserves and points
The difference between the reserves and the points was also found on the Mushin Customer Center site. The reserves are earned when purchasing a product or writing reviews in the Mushin Store. The reserve benefits are different depending on the membership level. Points can be paid if you perform a mission. If your point is more than 1,000 points, you can switch to the reserves.

Customer Center phone number/consultation time
Customer Center phone number and consultation time
The phone number is 1544-7199. The consultation time is from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are closed for customer centers. You can inquire with the above contacts.