BNK저축은행 사잇돌2 BNK Savings Bank

BNK저축은행 사잇돌2Minimum annual{{Intrt40 |setTitle}}
Government-guaranteed product exclusively for low-credit/low-income individuals
Minimum annual{{Intrt52 |setTitle}}
No-document/no-visit Seoul Guarantee Insurance high-interest loan
Minimum annual{{Intrt43 |setTitle}}
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Are you sure you want to cancel?
If you cancel, you have to start over from the beginning.
Digital OTP usage guide
Use it easily and conveniently on your mobile phone without having to have an OTP!

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If you have forgotten your password, please use the digital OTP password reset menu.
Are you sure you want to cancel?
If you cancel, you have to start over from the beginning.

({{ errorCode }})


Would you like to repay?
You can cancel the loan contract without a prepayment penalty within 14 days of the loan execution date.

BNK저축은행 사잇돌2
