CU편의점 재고조회 CU Convenience Store Inventory Checkout Briefly

In the past, when popular products were released in convenience stores, they used to roam nearby convenience stores in time for stock to preoccupy the products. However, recently, all convenience stores have provided inventory service, which has reduced this effort. In this article, we will summarize how to check CU convenience stores’ inventory.

Table of Contents CU편의점 재고조회
How to check CU convenience store inventory
Pocket CU inventory check process
a good article to read together
How to check CU convenience store inventory
The CU convenience store’s inventory search is supported in the mobile environment. You can install the Pocket CU app through the Play Store or App Store, or use the Inventory Service by searching and accessing Pocket CU ( ) through a web browser.

Pocket CUs Accessible Through Web Browser
At this time, inventory inquiry can be used without the need to sign up for membership. Let’s briefly look at the process of inventory inquiry.

Pocket CU inventory check process
1. Connect to the Pocket CU.

2. Select Inventory Inquiry from the menu in Pocket CU. CU편의점 재고조회

Select Pocket CU’s inventory check
3. Search the product name, and select the product to check the inventory from the search results.

Search for a product name and select a product from the search results
4. Search for area or store names, or check the inventory of products through nearby stores displayed on the map based on location.

Search for area or store names, or check store inventory through a map
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