LG유플러스 고객센터 및 전화번호 LG U+ customer center and phone number

Share the phone number of LG U+ Internet Customer Center. You can use this service if you have any questions about using LG U+ Internet, IPTV, or Internet phone.

LG유플러스 고객센터

LG유플러스 고객센터

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1 LG U+ Internet Customer Center Phone Number
1.1 Connect to LG U+ customer center counselor
1.1.1 LG U+ other call center phone numbers
1.1.2 Collection of LG U+ Internet Frequently Asked Questions Where can I check the LG U+ Wi-Fi ID and password? What if the modem device does not power on? How to measure LG U+ internet speed?
LG U+ Internet Customer Center Phone Number

LG U+ Internet Customer Center phone number: 101 without area code (free)
Consultation hours: Weekdays 09:00 – 18:00
Breakdown report 9:00 – 24:00
To connect to the LG U+ Internet Customer Center, dial [101] without an area code. You can call a counselor on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00. However, it is said that malfunction reports are made from 9:00 to 24:00.

Connect to LG U+ customer center counselor
After calling 101, you must press the speed dial number for the service you want to connect to a counselor.

1 New sign up
2 Inquiries regarding fees and payment
3 Malfunction report
4 Inquiries about moving and various changes
5 Inquiries regarding service termination, contract period, and penalties
6 Mobile phone inquiry (1544-0010)
7 Internet for shopping malls and offices, our store package
0 Counselor connection
LG U+ other call center phone numbers
International call 002: 1544-00021633
Collect call: 1544-0001
Prepaid card: 1544-0002
Postpaid card: 1544-2255
Telemeeting: 1544-0001

Collection of LG U+ Internet Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find the LG U+ Wi-Fi ID and password?
The Wi-Fi ID and password installed at home can be found on the sticker in the upper right corner of the Wi-Fi terminal. The wireless LAN password on the sticker is your Wi-Fi password (12 digits).

What if there is no power to the modem device?
There are cases where the modem equipment does not light up due to a poor power line connection to the modem equipment or a failure of the power adapter after a lightning strike. Unplug the power cord from the back of the modem device and plug it back in.

How to measure LG U+ internet speed?
You can measure speed after logging in to the LG U+ website. However, please first check the settings using the steps below and then measure the speed.

① Connect to Internet Explorer and select [Tools]-[Internet Options]
② General tab: Select [Delete] in the search history section.
③ In the Temporary Internet Files section, select [Delete Cookies] under [Delete Files] to delete them.
④ Advanced tab: Select Restore Internet Explorer default settings and apply → OK.

After all settings have been changed, please close all running Internet Explorer programs and restart them.

By logging in to the homepage, you can check brief information such as the address of the line you are using. After checking the information, please use “Measure” on the right.