아이폰 공동인증서 저장 iPhone joint certificate renewal review, practically

​really… I’m so annoyed and angry, keep it as simple as possible I’m trying to make it easier to understand ​ <Incident Occurrence> I tried to sign up for Samsung Securities in advance to subscribe to Kakao Pay’s public offering -> I tried to open an account, but I don’t have a budget phone to … Read more

구주소 신주소 변환 Convert old address to new address

A ‘road name address’, also called a ‘new address’ or ‘new address’, is one of the ways to indicate an address. The new address (road name address) is the same as the existing address in the city/province and city/gun/gu (eup/myeon if there is an eup/myeon), but instead of the dong (mainly Beopdong-dong)/ri and the lot … Read more

삼성카드 발급조건 What to do if Samsung Card issuance conditions are rejected

Regardless of age, regardless of occupation, ​ It is also a product that everyone needs. ​ On the other hand, there is always an amount that everyone goes out on a regular basis every month. ​ For example, utility bills, telecommunication costs, insurance, rental costs, TV, Netflix, Melon, etc. 삼성카드 발급조건 ​ There are various … Read more

지메일 비밀번호 찾기 How to Find and Change Google and Gmail Passwords

Now the weather is getting cooler I think the season of the real lunar calendar suits you best. Whenever I feel this way, I really respect the ancestors of the old days. 지메일 비밀번호 찾기 How could I have known so accurately in such an environment? It’s amazing Today is already Friday. Why is the … Read more

케이뱅크 계좌개설 Succeeded in signing up for K-Bank account opening 5% a year Code K free savings account

Last time, at K-Bank, free savings at an annual interest rate of 5% were It sold out quickly and became a hot topic. This time, the 2nd annual 5% savings account was launched, so I signed up immediately. 케이뱅크 계좌개설 ​ ​ ​ ▶ Subscription period June 17 – First-come-first-served basis ▶ From 6 months … Read more