신한카드 카드번호 조회 Application for win-win consumption subsidy, Shinhan Card performance and cashback inquiry

On September 30th, I wrote a summary about the application for win-win consumption subsidy, target, payment, period, limit, and precautions. And from October 1 to 8, each credit card company applied for a five-part system using the last digit of the year of birth. From the 9th, anyone can apply regardless. So, I just finished … Read more

농협 모바일 otp 사용법 Nonghyup issued a mini OTP card, cute

Using Nonghyup OTP A code called <dnLd13> appeared. I’m confused and ask 농협 모바일 otp 사용법 I visited the Nonghyup anywhere due to a mechanical error. It says it needs to be reissued.   ​ I’m tired of visiting, so I looked for mobile OTP. It will be issued non-face-to-face. ​ Nonghyup Mobile OTP Issuance/Reissuance … Read more

정기예금 금리비교 Term Deposit Interest Rate Comparison

There are various sites for comparing interest rates on term deposits. Among them, there are three sites that I think are good for comparing interest rates at a glance. MONETA Financial Supervisory Service Integrated Comparison Disclosure of Financial Products Value Champion Among the various sites, we looked at each of the top 3 sites that … Read more

새마을금고 금리비교 Saemaul Geumgo Interest Rate Comparison

Saemaul Geumgo Interest Rate Comparison Site Interest rate refers to the ratio of interest to principal. Therefore, if the interest rate rises, the borrower will have more money to repay, and the borrower (save) will receive more money. The second financial sector to which the Depositor Protection Act applies, such as Saemaul Geumgo, credit unions, … Read more

문화누리카드 잔액조회 Culture Nuri Card balance inquiry

The Culture Nuri Card is a public service project that supports the cultural life of the beneficiaries of the basic livelihood and the second-highest class. Card issuance is from 22.2.4 to 22.11.30, and the expiration date is 22.12.31. The paid subsidy can be used for domestic travel, performances, movies, and professional sports viewing. After being … Read more

농협 모바일 otp 발급 Nonghyup Internet Banking Joint Certificate… Mobile otp

a popup will appear I clicked the phone number approval request button ​ The screen changes to the following A call is received from the registered mobile phone 농협 모바일 otp 발급 ​ incoming 이베이스매뉴얼 receive a call ​ Enter the 2 digits you saw on the screen ​ The number buttons are on the … Read more