SK브로드밴드 고객센터 및 전화번호 SK Broadband customer center and phone number

Information on SK Broadband customer center phone number, business hours, and ARS counselor connection number. SK Broadband provides internet, B tv, B tv economical, and phone services, and many people are using the internet, B tv, and phone services at a lower price by combining them. If you are using SK Broadband’s Internet, B TV, etc. and encounter a problem such as an Internet disconnection, or have any questions, such as needing a previous installation or changing your TV channel plan, you must resolve the problem through the SK Broadband Customer Center. SK Broadband’s B tv/Internet/telephone customer center and B tv budget/cable Internet customer center are different, so you must call the customer center for each service. Below we introduce SK Broadband Customer Center phone number, business hours, etc.

SK브로드밴드 고객센터

SK브로드밴드 고객센터





SK Broadband Customer Center Phone Number
The SK Broadband Customer Center B tv/Internet/phone service phone number is ☎106. ☎106 can only be connected to those using SK telecommunications companies. Those using other telecommunications companies other than SK telecommunications companies must call ☎080-8282-106.


The B tv budget/cable internet customer center phone number should be ☎1877-7000. If the product you are using is a B tv/Internet/phone product, call ☎106 or ☎080-8282-106. For inquiries about cable Internet or B tv cable broadcasting, call ☎1877-7000.


SK Broadband Customer Center business hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays and 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM on Saturdays, and the technical/troubleshooting department is available for consultation 24 hours a day.

Category Phone Number Business Hours
SK Broadband Customer Center Phone Number
(B tv/Internet/Phone) ☎106 (SK telecommunication company users)
☎080-8282-106 (users of other telecommunication companies)
Weekdays from 9am to 6pm,
Saturday 9:00 am to 12:00 am,
Technology/breakdown department is available for consultation 24 hours a day
B tv budget/cable internet customer center phone number ☎1877-7000




SK Broadband Customer Center ☎106 ARS speed dial and counselor connection number
After calling SK Broadband Customer Center ☎106, you can quickly move to the desired task by pressing the ARS speed dial number below. If you press 0, you can immediately connect to a counselor.


no. 1. Rates and general inquiries
– no. 1. Check fee and change payment method (No. 1 > No. 1)
– No.2. Moving and moving PCs within the home (No. 1 > No. 2)
– number 3. Inquiry about contract and discount refund (No. 1 > No. 3)
– Number 4. Self-issuance of fee guide and tax invoice (No. 1 > No. 4)
– Number 5. Information on unrefunded amount (No. 1 > No. 5)
– Number 0. Connect to a counselor (No. 1 > No. 0)

No.2. Malfunction inquiry (direct connection to a counselor)

number 3. Subscription inquiry (direct connection to a counselor)

Number 4. Cancellation inquiry

– no. 1. Internet/Phone/TV cancellation request (No. 4 > No. 1)
– No.2. Cancellation of additional services (No. 4 > No. 2)
– number 3. B tv monthly subscription cancellation (No. 4 > No. 3)
– Number 0. Connect to a counselor (No. 4 > No. 0)

Number 8. Inquiry about corporate products (corporate ARS connection)

Number 0. Connect with a counselor

– no. 1. Fees and general inquiries (No. 0 > No. 1)
– No.2. Malfunction inquiry (No. 0 > No. 2)
– number 3. Subscription consultation (No. 0 > No. 3)
– Number 0. Cancellation consultation (0 times > 0 times)

SK Broadband Customer Center Main Number




SK Broadband Customer Center Online Inquiry
Those who have difficulty calling the SK Broadband Customer Center main number or who are looking for a method other than a phone call can use the online inquiry on the SK Broadband website to resolve their questions. However, in order to make an online inquiry to SK Broadband, you must log in to the SK Broadband website, and those who are not subscribed to the SK Broadband service cannot make inquiries. Additionally, due to the nature of online inquiries, questions may not be answered immediately.

▶Go to SK Broadband Customer Center for online inquiry





SK Broadband Self A/S
If a breakdown or problem occurs, such as poor Internet connection, no Internet access, or a frozen TV screen, in the early morning or at night after the SK Broadband counselor connection time, you can resolve the problem yourself by referring to the video guide on the SK Broadband website. We can solve it.


If you access the SK Broadband video guide page below, you will find a page with video guides for frequently encountered problems while using the Internet, Wi-Fi, or B TV. You can click on the video here to watch the solution video or click on the site to solve the problem by reading the solution on SK Broadband’s official blog.

▶Watch SK Broadband Self-A/S Video Guide




Find SK Broadband stores and specialty dealers
You can also visit SK Broadband’s supermarket stores or specialty dealers to sign up for products or make simple inquiries. There are SK Broadband mart stores and specialty dealers in each region, so if you want to visit, get the phone number or address first before visiting. The locations of SK Broadband stores and specialty dealers can be found through the SK Broadband website. Please refer to the information below.