SRT 입석예매 방법(꿀팁포함) How to reserve SRT standing room tickets (including useful tips)

In this article, we will learn how to reserve standing tickets for SRT. In principle, it is not possible to reserve standing tickets for SRT, but it is possible with a little trick. If you are looking for related information, this article may be helpful.

SRT 입석예매

SRT 입석예매

If you have a planned itinerary, it would be best to reserve seats in advance when using SRT. However, people’s work is not always done the way I want. I need to take the SRT for an unplanned and urgent matter, but what if all the seats for the section I want are sold out? You should at least get a standing seat.

However, SRT does not officially sell standing room tickets. So should I give up? no. First, quickly move to the nearest SRT station. To learn how to ride the SRT standing-up, just briefly look at the text below while moving.


How to reserve SRT standing tickets
The four ways to ride the SRT standing room are listed below. Please proceed in order according to the situation.


1. Find out about combined tickets on the SRT website

SRT does not officially sell standing-room tickets, but it does sell combined tickets. A combined ticket is a ticket that can be used for standing + sitting. Seating is required for a certain section, and standing seating is required for the remaining sections.

SRT standing ticket reservation timetable

As of August 17, 2023, I looked up the trains for the ‘Suseo > Busan’ section on the SRT website. If you look at the image above, can you see the combined ticket (standing + seat)? Combined tickets also sell out quickly, so you should reserve them quickly if you need them.


2. Purchase a standing ticket at the SRT station window

If you can’t get a combined ticket, quickly go to the station counter. SRT does not reserve and sell standing tickets, but tickets can be purchased on-site at station counters on a first-come, first-served basis, limited to 15 tickets per train when all seats are sold out.


3. Request a section extension from the SRT crew

If you are unable to purchase a standing ticket for the section you want at the station window, purchase one at least to an intermediate stop at your destination. For example, if you need to go from Suseo to Busan, purchase a ticket at any of the intermediate stations such as Cheonan-Asan, Dongtan, Osong, Daejeon, etc. and then board.

Then, you can find a flight attendant and apply for a ‘segment extension.’ Section extension means that when you need to travel further than the section you purchased, you can request an extension from the flight attendant. However, if there are no seats available for the extended section, you must proceed by standing seat, and you can pay on-site to the flight attendant for the amount of the extended section. For reference, standing tickets are about 10% cheaper than regular seats.


4. Pay once you board

This is the last method. If you have failed to reserve a parallel ticket, purchase a standing ticket on-site, or purchase a ticket at an intermediate station, just board the train. Then, find a flight attendant, explain the situation, and pay on-site with a standing ticket to your destination. Don’t worry, we won’t tell you to get off.

However, one thing you need to know is that if you board without a ticket, it is considered unauthorized boarding, and you must pay 0.5 times the standard fare. Only ride if you are really in a hurry.

If you look at Article 10 ‘A’ of the SR Passenger Transport Terms and Conditions below, there is a provision for ‘if you board without purchasing a ticket due to time constraints, etc., but report it to the flight attendant.’ If you have no choice but to board due to urgent circumstances, you must inform the flight attendant first.

SRT additional fare collection standards

Above, we learned about ‘how to ride the SRT standing-up’. When using SRT, we recommend that you make a reservation in advance and board. However, if you really need to board in a hurry, please refer to the text and I will end this article.