카카오택시 분실물 찾는법 3 ways to quickly find lost items in Kakao Taxi

카카오택시 분실물 찾는법Kakao Taxi is basically an automatic payment system, so you may think that it will be difficult to find a lost item without a receipt. However, as explained earlier, usage history can be checked directly in the app, so the moment you recognize that you have lost it, you can immediately contact the … Read more

카카오택시 분실물 찾는법 How to find lost items in Kakao Taxi

Let’s learn how to find lost items in Kakao Taxi. These days, there are many cases of calling a taxi using the Kakao T app. I think it’s good because the payment is made non-face-to-face, so there is definitely less need to give a card and receive a receipt. One additional advantage of using Kakao … Read more