광주은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Gwangju Bank customer center and phone number

Those who do not have time or are too busy to visit Gwangju Bank can do simple and most tasks by contacting the customer center over the phone. In this article, we have summarized information such as customer service phone numbers, business hours, and duties. If you are in a hurry, please contact the customer center below and apply for consultation now.

광주은행 고객센터

광주은행 고객센터


Woori Bank Customer Center Phone Number
consultation time
Gwangju Bank Customer Center Number
Overseas calls/for the visually impaired
For senior citizens only
TM Center/KJ Card
Connect to a Gwangju Bank agent
Connect to an agent
Other services (counselor x)
smart banking

Woori Bank Customer Center Phone Number
Please refer to the Gwangju Bank Customer Center phone number and consultation hours below.

consultation time
Telephone consultation (counselor) hours: Weekdays 09:00 – 18:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)

Chat consultation: Weekdays 09:00 – 18:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)

Inquiry and loss reporting are available 24 hours a day.


Gwangju Bank Customer Center Number
Overseas calls/for the visually impaired
When calling from overseas – 82-62-239-5000

For the visually impaired only: 1644-7766


For senior citizens only

TM Center/KJ Card
Personal credit loan: 1644-0701

Card loan replacement product sales: 1899-9600

KJ Card Help Center: 1577-3650

Connect to a Gwangju Bank agent
Connect to an agent
Connect to main number 1600-4000 or 1588-3388
When you hear the ARS voice, press 2.
Next, press 0.
Agent connection
Other services (counselor x)
If you would like to receive services other than connecting to a counselor, please click in the order below.

Connect to main number 1600-4000 or 1588-3388
When you hear the ARS voice, press 2.
Just select the desired service number below and press it. (See picture below)
Service Code Service Details
1 Transfer money to Gwangju Bank
2 Transfer money to another bank
3 Check deposit balance
4 Check deposit/withdrawal transaction details
5 Gwangju Card
6 Simple language service
0 Agent connection


smart banking
If you want to use smart banking, you can do so by installing the app below. Smart banking is a useful feature that allows you to perform various banking services with your cell phone, so you can start slowly by installing the app.


You can download the smartphone app through the link below.