교도소 면회 신청방법 How to apply for prison visitation

Summary of how to apply for prison visitation, types of visitation, and visitation times
If you want to visit an acquaintance or family member while they are incarcerated in prison, you must apply for an appointment according to the established procedures. We have summarized how to apply for a prison visitation reservation, necessary steps such as registering acquaintances, types of visits, and visitation times. If you have any questions about visiting in prison, I have written this post to help you understand all the details related to visiting, so I think it will be helpful if you read it carefully.

교도소 면회

교도소 면회

Good post to read together

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Preparation before requesting an interview
In order to visit an inmate, it is mandatory to register as an acquaintance at the prison. This is because you cannot make a reservation for a meeting if you are not registered as an acquaintance. If you visit the prison in person, you can immediately register as an acquaintance at the civil service center and have a visit. However, when conducting a video or smart interview, you need to register in advance.


You can register a prison acquaintance at the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service. You can register after checking the contents on the information page for registering recipients (inmates) of the online civil service service. It is a good post to look at, as it is covered in more detail in the post on the limit and deposit method of the deposit, which I left a link to, so I recommend that you also take a look at the post.


How to apply for a visit
There are three ways to apply for a visit: the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service, the correctional civil service call center at 1363, or by visiting and applying in person. Applying for a visit literally means visiting the prison where the inmate is imprisoned, filling out a meeting application form, and meeting with the prisoner.


When visiting in person, please use the ‘today’s availability inquiry’ service before your visit. The today’s visit availability inquiry service is a service that inquires and informs you whether the inmate can be visited on the same day by calling 1363 (Correction Civil Service Call Center) and pressing speed dial number 4.

To use the service, you must visit the prison, verify your identity, and register your phone number. Today’s meeting availability inquiry service is available from 13:00 to 16:00 on the same day.


You can make a reservation for an interview at the Ministry of Justice’s Online Civil Service Service, the Ministry of Justice’s Correctional Headquarters, and the Correctional Civil Service Call Center 1363. You can do so through the ‘Civil Complaint Application and Issuance’ menu of the Online Civil Service Service and the ‘Online Civil Complaint’ menu of the Ministry of Justice’s Correctional Headquarters website. It is divided into a civil complaint meeting and a lawyer meeting, so if you are a family member or acquaintance, you can make a reservation for the civil complaint meeting.

This applies to both video visits and smart visits, not general in-person visits, so please read it carefully and proceed with the application for a visit.


Meeting reservation system (meeting reservation system)
This is a system that allows inmates to make reservations in advance, wait in the reception room, and be seen right away, rather than visiting the prison on the day they want to be seen and requesting a meeting. If you carefully check the range of reservations, visit reservation reception times, and precautions before making a reservation, you can reduce unnecessary waiting time and visit comfortably.

Persons who can make a reservation: Family members or acquaintances who have registered as a registered citizen
Visit reservation reception time: After 16:00 11 days before the interview ~ until 16:00 the day before the interview (Saturday and public holidays are not included in the 11th)
Precautions for reservation application: Observe the reservation time. Reservations can be canceled on the day of the interview up to 30 minutes before the reservation time.
If you do not attend the meeting at the scheduled time after making a reservation, you will not be able to use the meeting reservation system for one month from the next day. If you need to cancel the visit on the day of the reservation, you must cancel 30 minutes before the reservation time to avoid any disadvantage.



Types of Prison Visits
Prison visits are not limited to in-person visits. A visit is also called an interview, and there are also systems called general interviews, video interviews, location change interviews, and smart interviews where you visit the inmate in person. Let’s briefly summarize each meeting method.


General visit (general visit)
The most basic visitation method is a system that allows you to visit the prison and meet the inmate. Reception hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays, and on Saturdays, we run a children’s meeting day where we meet minor children under the age of 19.

The number of people allowed to visit is limited to 3 to 5 people per visit, but the number of people limited varies depending on the prison. If multiple people are visiting together, it is best to check in advance the number of people allowed at the prison you will be visiting. For contact information for each prison, please refer to the national prison contact information and the Correctional Headquarters Civil Service Center contact information at the bottom of the post.


The number of times inmates can visit varies depending on whether they are pending, sentenced, or serving. Please refer to the table of number of meetings.

Classification Number of visits
Undertrial once a day
Convicted prisoner, level 1, once a day
Level 2 4 times a month
Level 3 5 times a month
Level 4 6 times a month
Labor 5 times a month

An unconvicted inmate is a person detained before the trial results are confirmed, and a pre-convicted inmate is an inmate detained based on the sentence of a criminal trial. A laborer is a person who has been ordered to maintain a labor camp for failing to pay fines.

The number of visits allowed varies depending on the classification of each inmate and the number of prisoners, so you must carefully consider the number of visits possible when making a plan for visits. It is also a good idea to utilize a reservation system, as you will not be able to visit if someone else uses up the number of visits first.


Interviews are not held on public holidays, including Sundays. Other cases in which an interview cannot be conducted are listed below.

When an inmate is being investigated or punished for violating prison regulations
When prisoners appear in court and prosecutors’ offices
When an inmate is preparing to be transferred to another prison
When there is a decision by the court or prosecutor to prohibit contact
When a prisoner refuses to be interviewed
When one person takes turns requesting to meet multiple accomplice prisoners

Video meeting (video meeting)
Video visitation is a system that conducts a video visit at a prison close to the complainant when it is difficult to visit the prison because the prison is too far away. Since visiting distant prisons on weekdays can be time-consuming and financially burdensome, we allow you to request meetings with inmates at all correctional facilities across the country.


Video interviews are also included in the number of interviews, and can only be held once a day. This means that the complainant cannot have video interviews with multiple inmates in one day. Applicants who have made a reservation for a video interview must arrive at the civil affairs office of the correctional facility where they made the reservation 10 minutes before the reservation time and receive instructions. If they are late for the reservation time, the interview reservation will be cancelled. As with general interview reservations, if you do not proceed with the interview after making the reservation, you will be prohibited from making a reservation for one month from the next day.



Smart meeting (Smart meeting)
While a video visit involves meeting with a prisoner via video using equipment available in the prison, a smart meeting involves meeting with a prisoner via video using the applicant’s smartphone, tablet PC, or PC. Unlike video visits, it is more convenient in that the complainant does not have to visit the correctional facility, but there are many things to keep in mind.


You can make a reservation for a visit and then proceed with a video visit at the scheduled time. You can make a reservation by visiting the correctional facility or through the online civil service service or the 1363 call center.

Smart interviews can only be conducted for convicted prisoners, that is, prisoners sentenced to punishment in a criminal trial, and in order to make a reservation, you must complete acquaintance registration in advance.


There are three things to keep in mind when conducting a smart visit, which you must be aware of and follow.

If you arbitrarily record or record the visit, the visit may be stopped immediately and you may be subject to punishment.
If an unregistered person other than the person who made the reservation participates in the meeting or engages in an act with impure intentions other than simple conversation, the meeting will be suspended.
The visit should be held in an independent space, not in a place where there are many people around.

Location change meeting
The change-of-location visit is a system of visiting in a location without contact prevention facilities, and its purpose is to promote the stability of the inmate. The only difference is that the visit is usually held in a place other than a reception room with a barrier, but there is no difference in the interview time or number of people allowed.


Unlike general visit reservations, for a visit with a change of location, you must fill out the ‘Application for a visit with a change of location’ detailing the reason for the application and submit it to the civil affairs office of the prison you wish to visit. (You can also apply by email or fax.) At this time, you must also attach supporting documents to support the reason for your application. Clicking ‘Download Location Change Interview Application (Form)’ below will take you directly to the link to download the application form provided by the Corrections Headquarters of the Ministry of Justice.

Image of location change interview application form download button
Once an application for a change of location interview is received, the reason will be reviewed and you will receive a reply regarding the approval result within one week. The interview time lasts less than 30 minutes, but the exact interview time may vary depending on the circumstances of each institution. What is different from regular interviews is that correctional officers participate in the interviews because there are no contact prevention facilities.


Prisoners for whom change of location interviews are restricted include suspects, inmates of gang violence or drug use, prisoners under investigation or punishment, and prisoners of interest. Please note that these inmates are not permitted to receive interviews at a change of location even if an application is submitted.


National prison contact information
Contact information for correctional facilities across the country and email addresses for requesting a change of location interview can be found on the Ministry of Justice Correctional Headquarters website. The institutional names, phone numbers, fax numbers, and emails of correctional facilities are listed in a table below. Search for the area name with Control + F to check.

Capture image of the Ministry of Justice Correctional Headquarters National Correctional Institution information page
Ministry of Justice Correctional Headquarters information page

Organization Name Address Phone Number/Fax Number
Anyang Prison 42, Gyeongsu-daero 508beon-gil, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do (Hogye-dong)
Anyang Post Office, Gyeonggi-do, PO Box 101, 031-452-2181
Hwaseong Vocational Training Prison 741 Hwaseong-ro, Mado-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
Gyeonggi Namyangwoo, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do