국민내일배움카드 신청 및 자격, 사용처 정리 Summary of National Tomorrow Learning Card application, qualifications, and usage

Are you curious about the qualifications for the Tomorrow Learning Card and how to apply?

국민내일배움카드 신청

국민내일배움카드 신청
1️⃣ National Tomorrow Learning Card issuance target
💳 Anyone can apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card except for those listed below!

😿Exemption from issuance of National Tomorrow Learning Card😿
Civil servants, private school faculty and staff
People over 75 years of age
Recipients of livelihood benefits under Article 9 of the National Basic Livelihood Security Act
1st-2nd year of university (available from 3rd year)
A person under the age of 45 employed by a large-scale company with an average monthly income of 3 million won or more.
A special type of worker with an average monthly income of 3 million won or more
A self-employed person who has been in business for less than one year or whose sales tax base for the past year is more than 150 million won (for real estate rental business operators, the real estate rental supply value is more than 48 million won per year)
People whose need for other vocational training is not recognized
2️⃣ Issuance method
💳 Tomorrow’s learning card can be issued as follows!

1) After logging in to the HRD-Net homepage, click ‘Application for issuance’✅
💳 After registering and logging in to the HRD-NET site, click “Application for Issuance” on the main page!

1️⃣ Go to HRD-Net: hrd.go.kr
2️⃣ If you have difficulty applying for HRD-Net, you can obtain it by visiting the employment center under the jurisdiction of your place of residence or place of work.

2) To apply for issuance, please log in with a joint certificate or simple authentication 🙂

3) CHECK the details before applying for issuance ✅
1️⃣ Register for the training course of interest Please select the Everyone Research Institute Ipel K-Digital basic competency training course you plan to apply for and register.

HRD-Net Course Search ▶ Select k-digital basic competency training in the training course

▶ Search ‘Everyone’s Research Institute’ by keyword ▶ Select the desired class and save it



2️⃣ Watch educational videos
Before issuance, you must complete watching the video for issuance to proceed 😃

3️⃣ Check the instructions and agree

4️⃣ Click the final [Confirm] button


4) Please enter applicant information 🙂

5) Please select the ‘card information’ you wish to receive 😃

1) Card issuance classification

New issuance: If there is no history of National Tomorrow Learning Card issuance
Reuse of existing card: When reissuing National Tomorrow Learning Card
2) Affiliated card

NH Nonghyup Card:
When applying by credit card: Any bank account in your name is accepted.
When applying by check card: Only a Nonghyup account in the applicant’s name is accepted.
Shinhan Card:
When applying by credit card: Any bank account in your name is accepted.
When applying by check card: Shinhan, Nonghyup, Kookmin, Hana, Woori, Post Office, and SC First Bank accounts in the applicant’s name are accepted.
3) Card type

Check card: Apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card including check card function
Credit card: Apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card including credit card functions
4) Card issuance (application) method

Mail (telephone application): Receive by mail after confirming your application through the credit card company TM
Mail (mobile application): Apply for card issuance through the card company’s mobile service
Bank visit: Visit the card company directly and receive the card
6) Enter incentive receipt account information
Register your account information to receive incentives supported by the government while participating in the training course!


7) Check employment insurance subscription information and support targets

1) Employment insurance subscription information

For workers, you can check information about ‘name of business, acquisition date, number of working days, etc.’

For newly unemployed people with no history of employment insurance subscription, it appears blank.
2) Support target

Select the current status of the National Tomorrow Learning Card applicant.

When selecting an application, related submission documents can be found in the blue box.

8) Attach submission documents and enter delivery address information

1) Attach submission documents

Please attach the documents confirmed in 7-2).
2) Delivery address information:

Please register your card delivery address.
9) Search for training courses and designate jurisdiction

1) Exploring training courses

If you select a training course of interest through ‘Save’ before applying for issuance, it will be automatically set.
2) Application jurisdiction office

The competent government office that will issue the National Tomorrow Learning Card is automatically designated. It is automatically assigned based on your home address, and if you wish to change it, you can do so using ‘▼’.
If you would like to search by jurisdiction, you can click Find Employment Center by Region to check.
10) Check whether application for issuance is possible
Please check whether you can apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card.

If one or more of the items is ‘Yes’, issuance may not be possible, and if there are lies in the information you wrote, administrative measures may be taken, including cancellation of National Tomorrow Learning Card issuance, restriction of classes, return of supported training costs, and additional collection. You can receive it.

11) Check the notice and submit the consent form
Check after checking the National Tomorrow Learning Card instructions.
Check the agreement after confirming the information regarding collection, use and provision of personal information.
If you refuse to consent, you will not be able to apply.
3️⃣ Check application details
After applying for the Tomorrow Learning Card💳, you can check the application details in the ‘Card Application Details’ menu! 😃💳 How to check card application details Home > My information (personal) > My card > National Tomorrow Learning Card > Card application details
You can retrieve your application through the [Recall] button below, edit your information, and apply again!