노인 인권 사이버 교육 Elderly Human Rights Cyber Education

Among the various processes supported by the Korea Health and Welfare Human Resources Development Institute, such as emergency welfare, human rights for the elderly, and reporting abuse, we will find out how to apply for the website for the elderly human rights cyber education operation. You must complete statutory compulsory education in order to operate a senior-related facility or get a job. Let’s follow this article one by one and apply together.

Elderly Human Rights Cyber ​​Education

In order to improve the human rights of the elderly, you must take specialized specialized education. The website where you can apply for this training is the Korea Health and Welfare Human Resources Development Institute (KOHI Compulsory Education) website (https://in.kohi.or.kr/).
☞ Go to education application website

KOHI compulsory education

After logging in, you can apply for and take courses.

If you go to the above website, you will see a screen like the one below. 노인 인권 사이버 교육

As the screen shown above, login is required. Therefore, if you have not registered as a member, you must register first. 좋은 뉴스

Membership registration is carried out by confirming where you are among public officials, civil servants, and the private sector (private workers in the health and welfare field or the general public). It is essential because you need to register as a member and log in to take the training.
It is recommended that those who work at an aged care institution subject to compulsory education, and those who work at leisure welfare facilities and home elderly welfare facilities, take the course.

노인 인권 사이버 교육

Website and course application

If you log in after registering as a member of the website, the following screen will appear.

Among them, there are 4 processes related to ‘human rights for the elderly’ on the screen at the bottom.

The first step toward human rights for the elderly (day and night protection service)
The first step toward human rights for the elderly (visiting care service)
The first step toward human rights for the elderly (living facilities)
The first step toward human rights for the elderly (facilities used)

The first step toward human rights for the elderly (day and night protection service)
Eligibility: Day and night protection service workers
The first step toward human rights for the elderly (visiting care service)
Eligibility: Persons engaged in visiting nursing, visiting bathing, and visiting nursing services
The first step toward human rights for the elderly (living facilities)
Target: Residential welfare facilities for the elderly (senior facilities, shared living homes for the elderly, welfare housing for the elderly, etc.)
Medical welfare facilities for the elderly (elderly care facilities, senior citizens’ care for the common living family, etc.)
Workers at a shelter dedicated to the abused elderly, etc.
The first step toward human rights for the elderly (facilities used)
Target: Leisure Welfare Facility for the Elderly (Senior Welfare Center)
Senior protection agency, senior job support agency
Workers at home aged welfare facilities (visiting care, day/night care, visiting bathing, visiting nursing, home elderly support service, etc.)
Select the course that applies to you among the four courses and click the Course Registration button at the far right.

When the above window pops up, click “Yes”.

After checking the course name, application period, training period, regular learning time, social welfare approval time, training time, etc., if the course you want is correct, click the Course Registration button.

When the course registration is successfully completed, the above screen appears. If you want to learn right away, just click on the learning status shortcut and start learning. Since membership registration, login and course registration procedures are not too complicated, even first-time users can easily register for courses.
After taking the course, the final training completion is divided into the case of taking the test and the case of not taking the test. If there is an exam, a score of 60 or higher is obtained in the final exam evaluation based on 100% progress rate, and completion of the survey is completed. If there is no test, the completion of the survey is completed based on the 100% progress rate.
If you have completed the course, you can print the certificate of completion from ‘My Page’ in the top menu. This certificate can be used in various ways, including where you work. There are no issuance and printing fees.

Human rights education for the elderly is one of the statutory compulsory educations. We recommend that you take the course that is right for you, as it is a mandatory education for those who work in a place related to the welfare of the elderly. I would like to remind you once again that the course registration site is available on the KOHI compulsory education site of the Korea Institute for Health and Welfare Human Resources Development.