마그네슘 효능 Magnesium deficiency is said to be the cause of ‘eye twitching’; side effects need to be checked – Biotimes

마그네슘 효능The reason why magnesium deficiency is considered the cause of eye twitching is because magnesium helps maintain the smooth function of muscles, including nerves. Magnesium is an important nutrient that activates several enzymes in our body and is involved in the transmission of stimuli and muscle contraction and relaxation. Therefore, when magnesium is lacking, symptoms such as muscle cramps, weakness, and fatigue easily appear, and tremors are first seen through the eyes, which are the area with the most muscles.
Therefore, if you experience symptoms such as eye twitching or muscle spasms, you should supplement by taking additional magnesium. In addition, magnesium is a nutrient sought after by many people as it helps with calcium, helps with bone health, and is effective in relieving menstrual pain. However, magnesium has a high risk of side effects, so there are some precautions to be taken when consuming it.
A typical side effect is diarrhea. Magnesium is absorbed only 10% of the intake, and unabsorbed magnesium increases the amount of moisture in the stool and promotes diarrhea. Among them, magnesium oxide, which is widely used as a laxative, has a high risk of causing diarrhea, so be careful. If you have a sensitive intestine, you should carefully check the magnesium content.
Additionally, if taken in excess, the magnesium concentration in the blood increases and hypermagnesemia may occur. This is most often caused by consuming excessive amounts of food and supplements for a long period of time to supplement magnesium. In severe cases, shortness of breath, cardiac arrest, and low blood pressure can occur, so it is better to consume a safe amount that does not cause side effects rather than filling the upper limit.
Recently, the demand for magnesium using natural raw materials such as rice is said to be increasing to prevent these side effects. If you want to prevent the side effect of diarrhea with a high absorption rate, a good way would be to consume magnesium using natural raw materials such as brown rice magnesium extracted from brown rice. In terms of intake, it is recommended to consume 100 to 200 mg as it does not cause side effects.
Additionally, if you frequently experience muscle spasms such as eye twitching, you can also consume magnesium-rich foods such as bananas, nuts, brown rice, spinach, and avocado.
[BioTimes = Reporter Jinju Choi] news@biotimes.co.kr

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