쉐보레 서비스센터 및 전화번호 Chevrolet Service Center and Phone Number

Chevrolet Service Center will summarize business hours and reservation methods for each branch.The Chevrolet Service Center is operating about 400 locations nationwide. Business hours are applied to the region by region, but some workplaces may be different from the time of receipt and shipping. Some workplaces do not open on Saturdays. It is recommended that the exact business time and reservation inquiries directly to the local center.

쉐보레 서비스센터

쉐보레 서비스센터

Go to Chevrolet official website

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• Chevrolet Service Center Business Time Guide • Inspection and Maintenance (Repair) • How to make a reservation using customer center (call center) • Internet maintenance reservation method • Saturday maintenance reservation method

Chevrolet Service Center Business Hours Guide
Chevrolet Service Center Business Time Table


The Chevrolet Service Center will begin to work at 8:30 am on weekdays and close at 18 pm. Shipping time is the same as the time of receipt on weekdays. However, on Saturday, the application time is until 15:00 pm, and the release time is until 17:30. It is impossible to accept and ship on Sundays and holidays. As mentioned earlier, working hours may vary in each branch, so be sure to check and visit by phone before visiting. For example, the reception/release time of Incheon, Changwon, Seoul, Dong Seoul, Busan, Wonju, and Jeonju Service Center starts 30 minutes early in the described time.

Inspection and maintenance (repair) reservation method
Chevrolet service maintenance reservation is a reservation for consultation and inspection. If you visit after a reservation, you can guide the repair time according to the vehicle’s inspection results. You can make a reservation method between the call center booking and the Internet reservation.

Reservation method using customer center (call center)
Chevrolet Reservation Call Center: 1600-0992
Chevrolet Motors operates a dedicated call center for customer convenience. If you call the reservation call center anywhere in the country, you can be kindly informed of maintenance reservations.

Internet maintenance reservation method
Chevrolet Internet maintenance reservations can be benefited early in the morning. Aka Good Morning Reservation is a 5%discount on total repair by booking early in the morning (8:40 to 9:30 am) and receiving maintenance. Good Morning Reservations are only applied from Monday to Friday, except Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. Some centers will be applied from 8:10 am to 9:00 on the reservation time.

See the link below the Chevrolet Internet Reservation page capture image


Go to Chevrolet Internet Maintenance page

How to make a reservation on Saturday
Saturday is a day when there are many maintenance vehicles. As a result, Saturday maintenance is based on pre -booking. Of course, you can visit without a reservation, but you should take the reservation vehicle first, so you may have a long waiting time. You can make a reservation on Saturday by 5 pm the day before by phone or the Internet.

Broken repairs or medium work may not be delayed or completed on the day. In addition to general maintenance of vehicles, seat exchange or audio work may not be available depending on the branch, so it is necessary to check when booking. On Saturday, Good Morning Reservation Discounts are not applied. Some centers may be closed on Saturdays, so be sure to check whether you are closed.