신한은행 atm 영업시간 We will inform you of Shinhan Bank window, ATM business hours and transfer limits.

2. Shinhan Bank ATM usage hours
1) ATM usage hours
Basic usage time: 07:00~11:00
365 days automation corner usage time: 07:00~11:30​
2) Usage limit 신한은행 atm 영업시간
Withdrawal: Card, bankbook, cash up to 1 million won per time (50 checks) / 6 million won per day Deposit: Card, bankbook, mobile cash up to 150 won per time (10 checks) / No limit per day​
3) Fees
ATM fees vary from 250 won to 1,000 won depending on the business.
신한은행 atm 영업시간
3. Convenience store ATM hours
Convenience store ATM service hours operate according to the convenience store business hours and are affected by the service hours provided by the banking system.​ 이베이스매뉴얼
Most convenience stores are open 24 hours, so ATM machines are still available, but it may be limited between 11:50 and 12:10, which is the bank check time.

How to make a deposit without a bankbook
ATM Deposit
Deposits to other banks are not allowed, only our bank.
Deposits can be made in units of KRW 1,000, KRW 5,000, KRW 10,000, and KRW 50,000, and coins in units of KRW 100 cannot be deposited. If you make a deposit at our ATM, you can use it conveniently by clicking Deposit without bankbook in the device, entering the resident registration number of the sender, the account number of the recipient, and the contact information of the sender. ATM deposits without a bankbook are subject to a daily limit of 1,000,000 won, and there is no separate fee.

2. Visit the bank
Take a numbered ticket, wait, and when your turn comes, go to the window.
The waiting time may vary from bank to bank, and when you visit a bank and make a deposit without a bankbook, you can use both our bank and other banks. First, write the sender’s name, resident registration number, and phone number on the transfer slip, the recipient’s name, account number, and the amount to be sent, and deliver it to the bank teller. In addition, when transferring from the same bank, there is no fee for less than KRW 100,000, but a fee of around KRW 1,000 may occur for KRW 100,000 or more.

Fees vary from bank to bank, but fees are incurred according to a certain amount of money. In the case of Nonghyup, 2,000 won is charged for more than 100,000 won and less than 1 million won, and 3,500 won for more than 1 million won and less than 5 million won, and discount customers such as excellent customers Depending on the limit, a fee of 400 won to 3,200 won may occur. If the deposit is not confirmed within one day after submitting the slip, you must visit the bank again to check whether the name of the depositor, account number, and order amount match.

We looked at Shinhan Bank inspection time and atm usage time (Nonghyup, Shinhan, convenience store) and two methods of depositing without a bankbook at the end.
Hope this helps. thank you